The Plain Dealer from Cleveland, Ohio (2024)

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Cleveland, Ohio

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I THE PLAIN DEALER MONDAY SEPTEMBER 2 1968 Mutual At Blossom Center Bus Shr Record 165 Million Hoped Ohio air Pleases Obituaries In Box N104 Plain Dealer a MIMEOGRAPHS WANT TO BE A n3 a AUU SMART INVESTOR against inflation Is It is quite easy to arrange for it NOW 4 1967 3060 fairgoers went less momentous but at a fair 63 64 1478 1690 1464 IS 46 1679 1296 2318 1248 7S3 1790 1472 85 75 71 67 80 61 88 76 79 91 74 89 87 81 1465 1554 1680 1000 1148 1928 1812 2764 1461 1243 1695 1308 2370 1266 753 1790 1479 82 85 69 74 87 84 71 84 80 88 80 80 85 78 74 73 63 59 68 79 68 59 66 73 63 73 81 Natl Gi Padf 1428 485 804 2051 644 NEW and A 1 RECONDITIONED 'lowers belong wEen time to remember nsm 1538 947 735 972 662 970 548 573 789 1264 1378 1340 947 1583 2028 1498 799 555 8 I 1 2294 1019 949 736 2199 1262 1072 685 803 2737 1452 1297 16261406 1968 3044 1649 778 486 727 Aberdeen oc Amsterdam cy Ankara cv Athens Berlln Birmingham Brussels pc Casablanca pc Copenhagenpc Dublln cv Genevc Llsbon oc Londoner Madrld Moscow oc ousness and evil throughout the movement by Ballan chine was a veritable explo sion of speed and technical fireworks with the inimitable Patricia McBride and Edwarc Villella It became a challenge dance with each outdoing the other Villella has incredible elevation and performs intri cate turns in the air while Miss McBride matched him with her clean technique so beautifully accurate no mat ter how fast the tempo They dashed this demanding work off with a fine flair AND by Balanchine makes no pre tense of being anything but sheer entertainment Using Sousa marches it is a grand spoof of all the parades so dear to most Americans It was colorful and extravagant ly costumed from the drum majorettes to parade officers Suki Schorer was adorable and beautiful technically while turns and ele vations must be seen to be believed No matter if it is trivial in theme and reminiscent of 1 the Rockettes and George Cohan the audience loved it And who can miss with red white and blue and the stars and stripes? It was a rousing ending for the too short en gagement of the New York City Ballet Wjll your cemetery lot be Plans for the 1969 fair are uncertain although the governor talked of giving the fair an international fla vor by inviting as many as 25 foreign countries to ex hibit and perhaps including a national dairy show The record breaking crowd made the Ohio State air the second largest in the nation (Texas boasts the largest) TO GET what he got Kal tenbach moved the midway High 320 878 922 125 628 371 1155 814 1008 1048 348 780 98 76 78 67 81 80 94 84 79 86 88 9069 65 71 67 91 74 92 78 82 Mrs William Coyle Wharton Jr Mrs William Wharton Jr 27 a violinist and organist died yesterday in St Johns Hospital Mrs Wharton was born Barbara McDermott She wai graduated from St Joseph Academy in Cleveland and re ceived a degree in music from Ohio State Uni verity She studied at the Cleveland Institute of Music and had been a member of the Cleveland Institute Orchestra She also was organist at SS Philip and James Catholic Church 3727 Bosworth Road SW Surviving are her husband son William Ill parents Mr and Mrs Michael McDermott grandmother Mrs Sel ma Pihlblad a sister and a brother She lived at 3777 129th Street Services will be 11 am Wednesday at SS Phillip and James Church of the things you left Walter Benjamin Collins Walter Collins 79 assistant secretary of Republic Steel Corp for 46 years died yesterday in Clearwater la Mr Collins moved to lorida after retiring in 1952 He was a member of the Clearwater Country Club and the Bath Club of Reddington Beach la Surviving are his wife the former Charlotte oulke two sons Walter BJr and Richard three sisters and seven grandchildren Services will be 10 am Wednesday at the Moss neral Home in Clearwater tion salary requirements to "i ea a a i fiin DOX ri54( riuin wwvuv 1414 484 485 791 2035 639 2125 274 1144 1158 1330 816 1208 1210 633 542 830 622 945 1145 red Petrie red Petrie 56 area sales representative for Swift Co for 26 years died yesterday in his home at 22962 Clifford Road North Olmsted Mr Petrie served in the Army in Italy and rance in World War II He received a degree in horticulture from Ohio State University and supervised the university green houses for several years Surviving are his wife Eleanor two daughters Mrs Nancy Eugenia Bailey and Laura a son reder ick mother Mrs Petrie and three grandchil dren Services will be 2 pm tomorrow at Rocky River Presbyterian Church 21714 Detroit Road Rocky River SURVEY participants rated IBM No 1 in four categories: As the company for which they would most like to work as the com pany which treats its em ployes most fairly as the company likely to be the most innovative through the remainder of the 20th cen tury and as a leader in in troducing new manufactur ing methods and processes (tied with DuPont) All together 115 com panies received points ac cording to the scale set up in the poll GM WAS RATED No 1 in four categories: As the corporation paying the high est wages as the best man aged company as the com pany whose failure would represent the greatest loss to America and as the biggest money maker in the year 2000 On the negative side stu dents said GM receives more unfavorable publicity than any other company followed by Dow Chemical Co US Steel American Motors and Consolidated Edison (New York) irms considered least likely to take the public in terest into consideration in making business decisions were US Steel GM IBM American Tobacco and GE 1933 577 1410 814 571 2208 1125 1076 1119 175 195 996 1176 1271 2229 1350 552 1164 1AU 1311 1319 79Z 7686 1463 1627 403 842 1844 1490 1200 1251 765 A nafiiralj hedge lorida' orange groves as discussed by authoritatiie financial writers in The Plain 'tor Aug 16 and Barron's Weekly (Sept 19 issue) The columnists explain why an orange grove Investment spells tax deductions now and income and capital gains later or complimen iary copies illustrated brochure and complete facts and figures at no obligation call or write 60 of Movies and TV Dies HOLLYWOOD GB Dennis 60 a fast talking Irishman who starred inscores of movies as action hero or light comedian died Saturday night underwent sur gery for lung cancer at Ro chester Minn last October He had been hospitalized four months ago Tall husky and blond and with an infectious grin and irrepressible manner he was during the 1930s and 1940s one of the bus iest performers In the 1950s and 1960s he made oc casional films usually as a sleuth in crime pictures like Vegas and side directed and starred in Diamond and and wrote scripts under his pen name Jonathan Ricks He also toured with a stage production of Subject Was or a time he had his own television show was born in ort Madison Iowa as Edward Vanes lanagan Jr His mother and known on the vaudeville circuit as lanagan and Edwards Rollicking traveled a route that brought the family to Holly wood in 1918 BY THE TIME he was 16 Dennis was writing scripts and gags' for the comedy series Later he dropped out of classes at the University of Southern California to go on the road with a vaudeville show But vaudeville was dying and returned to Hollywood where he joined the ranks of stuntmen and extras He did every kind of job around the studio for seven years before he was discovered by actor Clark Gable while doing an extra part in GABLE ordered a screen test for the young actor and a few months later Metro Goldwyn Mayer gave him his first leading role and his new Dennis There followed a series of leads in films including That of Jim my and I 751 567 I 742 1023 I 1133 993 I 1810 I 904 I 561 I 890 1388 781 1333 731 I 272 I 1166 1294 I 1353 1030 1440 971 2312 1998 2860 566 164 1855 1495 1625 1169 546 1119 905 1414 808 1247 1679 766 597 1493 1418 1335 1145 2229 956 913 631 2685 1692 2664 2234 2179 2292 1038 952 747 2341 I 1265 1081 691 800 I 1292 1092 1655 781 I 485 730 3930 1344 1622 1056 1313 Mass Inv Grth Mass Inv Trust Mates Invest Mothers McDonnell Mid Amer Moody's Co Moody's Morton unds: Growth Income Insurance MI und MI Growth Mutual Shrs Mutual Trust NEA Mut Nation wide Sea Natl Indust Natl Investors 818 I Natlona (Securities Series: Balanced Bond Dividend Preferred Income Stoc Growth Natl Western Neuwirth New England New Horlz RP New World Newton a Noreast Inv Oceanogphc Omega 100 und One William O'Neil Oppenheim I Penn Sa Pa Mutual Philo Pilgrim und Pilot und Pine Street Pioneer und Planned Invest Polaris Price TR Grth Provident Puritan und Putnam unds: Equit George Growth Income Invest Vista Rep Tech Revere Scudder unds: Inti Inv Special Balanced Com Stk Sec Dividend Sec Equity Sec Invest Selected Amer Selected Spec Sigma Capit Southwstn Inv Sovereign Inv State arm Gth State St Inv Steadman unds: Amer Ind iduciary Science Stein Roe unds: Balance Stock Inti Sterling Inv Sup Inv Grth eachers Assoc Technology Temp Gth Can Texas und Transomerica 20th Cent Grlnv 20th Cent Inc Unifund United unds Accumulative Income Science Unit Can Value Line unds Value Line Income Sped Sit Vanguard Varied Indust viking btn Wall St Invest Wash Mut Inv Wellington Western Indust Whitenan i a Windsor Winfield Grth Wisconsin Worth und New Delhl Oslo cv Parls oc Rome pc Sofla oc Stockholm pc Svdney cv Tokvo cy Tunls pc Vlenna cv Warsaw cv Asunclonc Buenos Alres Montevideo cy Rio de Janelro Prev Low Close Close 1481 1470 1695 1688 146V 1553 1681 980 1155 1907 1822 2744 U62 1297 1302 1626 1639 1412 1416 1V7I 3051 2985 63 61 90 HOURS 65 65 320 877 922 124 625 371 1155 814 1008 1048 347 779 Low Close 319 876 919 124 625 369 1153 811 996 1046 346 778 1006 1497 1019 1160 166 871 1117 834 751 843 1381 750 913 1546 1639 1024 993 1869 914 775 1137 1381 214 903 900 377 14 Al 10524 10393 10455 10547 14 45 I4ZV 1934 586 1414 819 4 74 2227 1127 1079 1125 176 196 1003 1183 1279 2241 1350 555 1167 1641 1319 802 7724 1468 1648 404 851 1863 1496 1201 1261 768 OTHER away with memories always something to remember It may be the giant slide top last total of $887 ride on the midway (which 000 by $50000 AMERICAN AGRONOMICS CORP 'As agricorporalion producing and marketing for world wide Investors 14055 CEDAR RD 371 3301 1212 635 544 832 629 949 11 51 618 602 57 98 28 1 1 127 ZV6 1483 01 1 981 I 930 14SA 1701 1701 I 2090 2107 I 840 854 I 910 910 I 2066 2071 I 1549 1553 1107 1115 838 8 46 1192 1194 1483 1483 1393 581 2516 601 1128 1471 1624 1348 938 849 1312 587 1757 1522 4430 1731 1214 1543 1835 915 1175 1689 1131 1030 1569 571 5396 1420 891 660 2227 1723 1525 1360 762 1352 1003 1904 1199 1004 597 584 1049 830 1534 941 732 965 658 959 545 572 782 1259 1377 1342 936 1575 2032 I 1472 797 553 95 66 77 Boulevard Williamson donor of papers founded Dill Manu factoring Co 700 82d 72Street The company is now 4i i a division of Eaton Yale fo Towne Inc IN OTHER LlttleRock pc 90 I Los Angeles 84 uouisviiiec Memphis MlamlB'ch ey MldlndTex cv Milwaukee pc MplsStPaul NOrleans cv New York cv North Platte 85 4 Okiamacit pcmana Phlla'phla pc Phoenlx pc Pittsburgh pc PortlndMe cv PortlndOre cy Ralelgh cv Rapid City Reno cv Richmond cv St Louis pc StPrBgTam SltLkeCitv San Anton San Dlegoc Sanran'coc StSteMcrler Seattle Shrevenort cy Sookane pc Tucsonc Wash'gtn cy Wlchlta Xabor day SPECIALS 752 567 748 1021 1134 997 1818 906 564 895 1381 782 1331 734 272 1161 1293 1360 1030 1444 975 2315 1999 2876 566 I 65 1853 1493 1625 II 79 549 1119 903 1418 811 1260 1673 764 600 1497 1416 1337 unds: 1 148 2229 956 910 629 2686 1685 2668 35 i unds: 2180 2152 2298 1041 954 744 2344 1267 1077 689 8 04 1298 1288 1096 1093 1662 781 489 733 ras 3928 3918 1342 1333 1X1? 1A16 1 049 1055 1314 1310 1310 balloon races bubble gum contests hog calling con tests and rooster crowing contests (the winner crowed seven times in five minutes) He let all youngsters un der 12 in free until noon for eight days and cut all mid way rides to half price for everybody until noon Even so midway business was up enjoying the best day in its history on Saturday with receipts of $72606 Gate receipts were up too but so were gate prices Admission was boosted this year from $125 to $150 Gross receipts for the 12 days are expected to rrev High Low Close Close 1247 1243 1695 1692 1318 2370 1266 756 997 1487 1017 1136 165 864 1115 831 749 8 37 1376 1376 74S 911 1538 1634 1011 942 1864 911 771 1134 1375 213 893 896 372 1456 THE PAPERS include sev eral documents signed by President James Madison in office when the road was be gun Other papers shed light on early road specifications and details of bridge construction and reflect the confidence of the President and govern ment officials in in tegrity and ability rom about 1830 to the Civ il War taverns along the busy new road extended hospitality to such famous persons as Martin Van Buren William Henry Harrison Henry Clay and Jenny Lind ATER THE Civil War commerce along the road gave way to rapidly rising railroad facilities But as in terstate truck freighting be gan and automobiles became popular the historic route came back into extensive use The papers are now in file for research purposes at the library 10825 East Prev Close 320 885 919 124 628 369 1153 813 1003 1044 346 780 1005 1495 1017 1138 165 868 1119 834 732 840 1380 747 911 1543 1637 1011 994 1839 i 775 1130 1376 213 902 896 373 1466 66 58 70 52 69 62 7 375 101 42 16 198 130 483 2034 Sect 6 Suq rises 6:54 a OST Sun sets iy pm Special Stock Eberstadt Employ Grp Energy Enterprise aulty und Eauitv Growth Everest Ind Explor airfield arm Bur Mut ederal Gr idelity Cap idelity und id rend inancial Programs: Dynamics Indust Income st Inv Grth st Inv Stk letcher Cap letcher la Growth nd Life ounders oursquare ranklin Group: Com Stk Custodian Utilities Inc Stk und of Am Gen Securitlei Glbrolter Group Securities: Aerospace Sci Common Stk ully Admin Growth Indus Gryphon Guard Mut Ham HDA Hanover Hartwell JM Hedge Hot Mann Hubshman ISI Growth Imperial Cap Imperial Grth Income ound Income Bos inaepenaence Ind Trend Industry Stk Invest Co Am Invest Indic Invest Tr BOS Investors Group Mutual Inc Stock Selective Variable Pay Invest Research Istel und Inc Ivest und lw und inhnctn Mut Keystone Custodian Invest sa i Med Bd 2 Disc Bd 4 Inco Grth 2 Hi Gr Cm 1 Inco Stk 2 Growth 3 I nPr Cm 4 Knickrbck Knickrbck Gr Lexingrn inc i Lexing Rsch Liberty Life Gth Stk Lite Ins Inv Loomis Savles Canadian Capital Mutual Manhattan Mass und 1 1' I 1393 586 2527 604 1129 1482 1624 1355 939 830 1317 590 1763 1528 4430 1731 1217 1548 1846 9 21 1177 7179 I7O3 1133 1030 1573 571 5416 1432 892 663 2235 1733 1529 1362 779 1352 1007 1921 1199 1006 600 584 1049 834 1537 946 738 968 661 965 552 572 786 1239 1380 1343 942 1575 2041 1478 797 563 1424 484 805 2038 2L19 275 1147 1156 1341 819 1207 636 542 830 627 943 1152 619 2833 1136 2964 1488 1610 1817 9 83 932 1664 1707 2141 858 917 2080 1548 1115 847 1194 1483 1396 581 2516 599 11Z5 1484 1638 1363 938 847 1332 595 1801 1521 44 33 1736 1212 1547 1868 in 1709 1133 1036 1564 573 5407 1426 896 664 2231 1721 1530 1364 761 1362 1003 1894 1203 1003 598 583 1030 Prev 1247 1688 1316 2318 1256 754 1796 1471 746 519 743 1014 1129 990 1801 898 562 84 1375 778 1309 731 271 1155 1287 1347 1026 1441 971 2308 1991 2865 564 I 64 1828 1464 1615 II 64 546 1116 896 1404 810 1247 1660 738 597 1494 1399 1337 1146 2220 956 903 626 2668 1669 2658 2229 1139 2971 1489 1608 1820 1817 yBS 935 1667 1702 2124 854 920 2124 1533 1123 846 1198 1495 1405 586 2527 604 1130 1482 1641 1360 943 830 1333 593 1789 1531 4458 1740 1217 1555 1855 921 1179 1712 1133 1036 1575 573 5416 1432 893 663 2235 1733 1531 1366 779 1338 1007 1923 1206 I 1006 600 585 1055 834 1542 947 773 974 661 965 552 574 791 1268 1381 1343 946 1581 2041 1495 800 563 Papers detailing start of the first federally financed highway the Cumberland Road have been presented to the Western Reserve His torical Society by Cleveland industrialist Arthur Williamson Dated 1810 1852 the pa pers were collected by David Shriver Jr then superintend ent of the road Still carrying thousands of motorists each year the road today is known as 40 Just west of Washington Pa the road joins Interstate 70 and follows the original route to St? Louis 748 519 745 1021 1134 991 1812 998 563 884 1381 779 1319 734 272 1160 1291 1332 1030 1444 975 2312 1993 2876 564 164 1853 1470 1615 1166 547 1119 903 1404 811 1260 1661 738 600 1497 1408 1337 1148 2220 956 903 629 2672 1678 2662 2230 2152 2296 1019 949 739 2199 1267 1077 688 804 1290 1093 1662 781 489 727 3918 1336 1621 1934 583 1414 820 573 2225 1123 1073 1117 175 196 1001 1184 1279j 1330 554 1164 1628 1314 796 7705 1460 1647 402 834 1861 1494 1199 1257 768 IBM Is Top Enterprise Poll Says ANN ARBOR Mich VB Business students at the University of Michigan re gard International Business Machines (IBM) as Ameri foremost business en terprise a poll reveals Other companies rated among the top 10 by the students are: Gen eral Motors American Telephone Telegraph General Electric ord Du Pont McDonnell Douglas Litton Boeing and Xerox Prof David Lewis of graduate school of business administration con ducted the poll by samp ling opinions of 73 students of the 506 member daytime graduate popula tion Date Sept 4 6 Sept 4 6 Sept 5 7 Sept 6 7 Sept 7 8 Sept 8 Sept 8 12 Sept 8 13 Sept 9 12 Information rom ESSA Woather Bureau of Cleveland Hopklnt International Airport CLEVELAND Partial clearing and mild to day High in the mid 70s air and continued mild to night and tomorrow Probability of precipitation: 20 today and 10 tonight MitO METEOROLOGICAL DATA SUNDAY SEPT am i pm I pm xxVO 61 58 81 1152 1159 1337 LAKE VIEW CEMETERY Cleveland's finest selection of Cemetery Lots Cleveland entrance at 12316 Euclid Ave Cleveland Helghti Corner Mayfield and Kenilworth Rds Telephone 421 2665 DUPLICATORS or Your School Club Union Lodge Church Business irst irst Served! Some Models Only One of a Kindl Heyer Mimeo Hand eed ONLY $3450 Heyer' 'Mimeograph Auto eed ONLY $5950 Master Spirit Duplicator (New) ONLY $4250 Gestetner 105 Manual ONLY $16500 Liberator Mimeo 200 Manual ONLY $8950 A Dick Manual ONLY $9750 Commodore Thermal Copier ONLY $9950 Copyrite Electric Spirit Duplicator ONLY $9950 ED EE SUPPLY KIT this week only Aliat NEW ELECTRIC STENCIL MAKER OLDERS ELECTROSTATIC COPI SPIRIT DUPLICATORS SUPPLIES 1 St Crowds Officials By MARTHA BRYAN Plain Dealer Special COLUMBUS Jerry Kaltenbach at 31 the coun youngest state fair manager leaned back in his swivel chair smiled broadly and said: been Gov James A Rhodes equally pleased declared: is the greatest fair With today the final day for the 115th Ohio State air otherwise known as crowds pushed the attendance tally toward an expected record 165 million: INCLUDED in their midst yesterday were the Gover 4 year old grand daughter Missy Moore lemonade outside ths Administration Build ing and Mr and Mrs Gene initiated boxing matches Gross of Columbus who held their wedding recep tion at the air The 22 year old groom still dressed in his tuxedo also wanted to see his fa ther who had to work at a fair concession stand and get away for the ceremony Rhodes also a great fair fan took the newlyweds in tow and presented them to an afternoon grandstand audience Want to Acquire MANUACTURING COMPANY nn $50000 to $500000 Write in Confidence To President High 1483 1695 1469 1554 1 1 988 975 1135 1152 1916 1898 1826 1813 UM 1462 1303 1641 1416 1974 3062 DUPLICATOR I728STCLIR MA 1 8077 Louis Bezena Dies Spanish ar eteran Louis Bezena one of best known Spanish American War veter ans will be buried with full military hon ors Wednesday in Highland Park Ceme tery 21400 Chagrin Boulevard Mr Bezena 90 died yesterday in Veterans Administration Hospital 10701 East Boulevard He became a corporal in Battery A irst Ohio Light Artillery in 1898 and worked in a training camp teaching re cruits how to fire three inch horse drawn field pieces Louis Bezena was ctiaPiam ot the joint Veterans Committee of Cuyahoga County and commander of the Cuyahoga County Council of the Spanish War Veterans at the time of his death He also had served as state commander of the United Spanish American War Veterans Each year he was grand marshal of the Memorial Day parade here Despite illness in recent years Mr Bezena visited vet erans in hospitals and rest homes twice a week He was a 32d Degree Mason SURVIVING are a niece Mrs Russell Wise and a nephew Calvin Sanborn He lived at 17730 Chagrin Boule vard Shaker Heights A ritual service with representatives from all of veterans groups participating will be at 8:30 pm tomorrow in Brown orward funeral home 17022 Cha grin Boulevard Shaker Heights Ministerial services at 1 pm Wednesday in the funeral home will be followed by military rites sent more than 100 persons to the Red Cross first aid station for treatment of scratches' and burns) or the women working on quilts in the Arts and Crafts Building or the big name grandstand entertainment which featured Bob Hope for the final weekend I 1 Brilliant Dancing ills Ballet inale By ELEANOR RAMPTON In a whirl of color and bril liant dancing the New York City Ballet gave its final per formance last evening at Blossom Music Center before an audience of 5096 The fea tured Kay Mazzo Violette Verdy John Prinz and Kent i Stowell Although the choreo I grophy for this work is rather I ordinary and uninspired i Prinz proved himself to be a beautiful dancer he has re 1 markable elevation moves with an effortless ease that is delightful and has a gracious personality Kay Mazzo was sparkling and is lovely to watch Miss Verdy has a cool accurate style with flawless technique by the gifted Jerome Robbins though choreographed in 1951 is still exciting and unusual It is based on the myth about a cult in which the male is the prey on the female and a nov ice must kill a male before she is accepted Melissa Hayden as the nov ice killed her victims Nicho las Magallanes and Robert 1 Maiorano with a cold ruth 1 less ferocity Miss Hayden is i one of the fqw dancers with the maturity and the drama tic ability for this role and she performed it superbly i The choreography achieves i an effect of frightening omin unds NEW YORK (AP) Weekly Investing Companies giving the high low and clos ing bid Drlcet for Iasi week with the preceding' week's closing bid price All quotations supplied by the Nohonal Asso ciation ot Securities Dealers Inc reflect prices at which securities could have been eoia 1st Road documents Arrive Here Il 41 T7T Organization Chrysler Corp Dealer Announcement Meetings 1 AGA EET Accounting Conferenco Nc'lonal Business Leaguo American Legion Post Tour Eastern Canada Tour riendship Traveling Club of Ches ter County American Society for Com mittee Week Deot of Lobor CInterfor Meeting Institute of Management In ternational Conference Partly cloudy north and mostly sunny south today High in the low to mid 70s north and upper 70s south air and cooler tonight Partly sunny and warmer tomorrow with a chance of showers west WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA A litfle cooler today High in the low 70s air and cool tonight Mostly sunny and little change in tempera ture tomorrow WEST Partly cloudy with a chance of showers High 72 xto 78 air and mild tomorrow NATIONAL SUMMARY AA1LD mnriitiAn mnliniiaH rsr'rneu AH notion SHOWERS and thundershowers occur red over the Eastern half of the country from the Great Lakes to the middle and southeast Atlantic seaboard MOSTLY SUNNY skies continued over the rest of the nation TODAY'S WEATHER Sunny skies and pleasant temoeratures over most of the nation Shower activity along the Aaoalachlans from the Caro linas to New England Some thunder showers from the northern Rockies to western Lake Superior Warmer from the southern Plains to the western Midwest Cooler from tne northwest Pacific coast across the northern Rockies into the ad lacenr riams Prominent Stars Altair In Southeast at sunset In South wcst tomorrow and low in West tomorrow Sirius rises tomorrow I UMPtxKA I UKfcS AlbanvNY cy 79 Aiau aue oc Amarillo Asheville Atlanta Bifilngs cy Blrmlngham Blsmarck cy Boise cy Boston cv Br'nsville bC Buffalo cv Burl'gtnVtcy Casper f'rxtnSC rv ChrlstnWVa Charlotte cy Cincinnflti oe Columbus 73 62 uenver DcsAAoines Detrolt cy Duluth oc ElPoso cv argo cy tWorth cy cv Helena cy Houston cy Ind'nap'Hs J'ks'nMisS'PC Jacksonville Kansas Citv I Veoflvr HU SUNDAY LOW 34 nt Evanston Wvo SUNDAY HIGH 106 Needles and Blvthe Calif Aberdeen Adv I sere Affiliated All Amer Amcao nm i Am Div tny Am Grwth Am Investors Am Mutual Am Am Anchor Group: Capit Growths Investmt Invest Assoc ijrust Axe Hougnftni und A und Stock Science 1 Babson Dav Blue Ridge Mut Bondstock Coco Boston und Broad St Inv Bullock und und Can Gen Canadian ind Capit Income Cao Life Ins Sh Century Shrs Tr Channing unds: Balance Com Stk Growth 1 Income I Special 1 i i Chase Group und rontier Sharehold Chemical Colonial: Equity und 1 1 Cam St Rd Mtae Commonwedith unds: CdP Income Investmt Stock Commw Tr Commw Tr Competitive Cp Composite Composite Concord und Consolldat Inv Consum Invest Convert Secur Corp Leader? Country Cap Crown Wsth 02 i de Vegh Mut Decatur I ncome Delaware i Dividend Shrs Dow Th Inv Drexel Equity Dreyfus und Eaton 8 Howard: Balance Growth Gen Inv 1 AVAILABLE Past 10 years in purchasing per sonnel A office management with OEM £6rfipany of automation machinery Heavy in liaison be tween design produuction and customer (Seeking position wifh growth Vfijortunity Will relocate Box Plain Dealer PLANT SUPERINTENDENT I Musstknow value and finished brass production including foundry I machining polishing buffing assembly Will report to president Must be willing to relocate to southeast United States Expenses will be paid by company If interested send outline of experience educe tion salary requirements to Rnv PN27 Plain Dealer 'I nniiin Convention Calendar I cneM hu Anwflttnn VlellAr fturaeuil Place Hotel Statler Hilton Hotel Sheraton Cleveland Hofei Sheraton Cleveland Hotel Carter Hotel Statler Hilton Hotel Statler Hilton Hotel Sheraton Cleveland Hotel Stotler Hilton Hotel Sheraton Cleveland 633 542 832 622 949 1145 606 2844 2971 1483 1597 1817 985 935 1667 80 87 87 81 72 68 83 75 86 47 55 57 57 61 53 58 41 53 61 74 59 45 42 68 58 65 60 60 47 55 62 47 59 46 54 53 47 74 61 58 52 61 66 1961 2992 64 60 78 1003 1497 1018 1138 166 871 1117 834 749 838 749 913 1539 1639 1024 942 1864 914 912 i 1136 1380 214 903 898 377 1461 1431 1434 1933 579 1413817 572 2224 1127 1079 1125 176 195 1000 1181 1277 2241 1350 534 1167 1639 802 7708 1467 1635 403 845 1863 1496 1201 1261 765 1424 795 2031 644 2132 275 1146 1159 1330 817 12:19 am 3:48 am 4:23 am I CITIES 62 64 64 it 61 61 50 62 63 57 52 57 73 55 66 56 61 44 47 60 58 76 50 76 I 67 60 54 58 65 61 68 62 56 Borom (sec level) lemo (dry bulb) Temp (wet bulb) Humidity (relative) TEMPERATURES AT STATED I am 593 om 60 1 6 pm 62 9 pm Noon 61 1 Midnight Highest temoerature Lowest temperature Highest temp same date lost year Lowest temo same date last year Normal Temperature Mean temperature Deficit temo this month Accumulated deficit temp since Jan 1 Records this dote: 1953 1874 Total precln 24 hrs ended 8 om Total preclo this month to date Deficit areclo this month to date ExcessDefldt oreclo since Jan 1 Total preclo since Jan 1 Monday Sept 2 Moonset tomorrow 2:41 run moon TODAY'S ALMANAC OREIGN TEMPERATURES Pere free Wf ATH U(AU HJA I A iPEnArCT i or Paytime Monday 0.

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The Plain Dealer from Cleveland, Ohio (2024)
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Author: Sen. Emmett Berge

Last Updated:

Views: 5945

Rating: 5 / 5 (80 voted)

Reviews: 87% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Sen. Emmett Berge

Birthday: 1993-06-17

Address: 787 Elvis Divide, Port Brice, OH 24507-6802

Phone: +9779049645255

Job: Senior Healthcare Specialist

Hobby: Cycling, Model building, Kitesurfing, Origami, Lapidary, Dance, Basketball

Introduction: My name is Sen. Emmett Berge, I am a funny, vast, charming, courageous, enthusiastic, jolly, famous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.