Any Given Tuesday - Chapter 6 - Tianren (2024)

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Any Given Tuesday - Chapter 6 - Tianren (1)

All of hell was under the impression that Alastor loved being the center of attention. That was only partially true. He enjoyed the power and respect that came with being an overlord, he found broadcasting screams and depravity to be amusing, but he hadn’t done those things for attention. They were a warning not to mess with the radio demon, because in the end Alastor enjoyed his solitude. He liked choosing when he was in the spotlight, when he wanted ears to listen, but he always demanded respect. Respect in hell was best earned by instilling fear and if the radio demon was a bit over the top about doing so, well who could blame him? After all, it was rather fun!

Still he cherished the moments where he could listen to his jazz and enjoy a good meal in the privacy of his own room. In fact he was currently enjoying an early dinner. Cutting into the bloody venison shank he let the raw meat melt on his tongue. The velvety texture delighting his taste buds as he chewed slowly. Solitude becomes Alastor, as he’d rather not deal with other’s need for attention, or have to pretend he was listening or enjoy company he obviously wasn’t. Other than a plastered on smile to keep people guessing Alastor had no desire to indulge in pleasantries, especially if it interfered with his own comfort or sensibility. Which is why he had surprised himself by indulging Vox’s sexual desires yesterday.

He supposed that was the deal after all. Once a month Alastor satisfied Vox’s sexual appetite and in exchange, he was given power, control and an entertaining show to watch. Really the radio demon was just fulfilling his end of the deal by ensuring Vox was satisfied. Witnessing the absolutely dull sex the TV demon had with that idiot moth only confirmed that he wasn’t getting what he needed out of any other relationship. Which would make Vox more desperate, and the more desperate and needy the overlord was, the more entertaining the begging and groveling would be. Plus, the TV was absolutely predictable and so easy to manipulate. All Alastor had to do was put on an outrageously high set of heels and Vox was salivating at the mouth. Willingly being stepped on and shoved around, it was pathetic and oh so fun to take advantage of! Alastor supposed that’s why he was able to tolerate Vox as a continued sexual partner. Though occasionally the demon would slip up and inquire about Alastor’s pleasure, for the most part Vox was focused on getting himself off. Which suited Alastor just fine, the TV’s chase for sexual gratification usually led to some amusing places, and Alastor also quite enjoyed researching and puzzling through a roleplay set up. It was intellectually stimulating, especially when he was faced with a request he had no previous knowledge about.

That’s what the doll requested had been, a new challenge, and since Vox wasn’t expecting anything sexual, Alastor wanted to turn those expectations on their head. It had nothing to do with actually wanting to please the media overlord. Or hearing him melt under Alastor’s touch.

“Alastor!” Vaggie barged in causing the door to bang against the wall and ratter the pictures and mounted skulls hanging on there. The radio demon was mid-bite, when the fallen exorcist interrupted him. With an irritated hum Alastor set down his fork and knife.

“Vaggie this is becoming a habit that I don’t appreciate. Perhaps, I should request another lesson about boundaries from Charlie. I’m sure she would just be excited to do so.”

“Nifty is stuck in the chimney and as facilities manager it’s your job to make sure this place is functioning. That includes making sure we have a working fireplace.”

Alastor got to his feet dabbing at some blood on the corner of his mouth. “Quite right, wouldn’t want dear Nifty blocking the chimney.”

Picking up his mic he clasped his hands behind his back and happily whistled as he made his way downstairs to the lobby. Vaggie followed closely behind with her arms crossed. Once they got to their destination the only evidence that there was something amiss was the occasional sprinkle of soot falling onto the logs in the fireplace. With a snap of his finger the radio demon vanished the logs.

Alastor took his mic flipping it over and laid on his back under the fireplace. Maneuver the rod he poked at the red form clogging the chimney.

“Nifty dear, try to grab the end of my cane if you can.”

“I’m stuck, sir, I can't move an inch.”

“Well, at least it’s not the toilet this time.” Vaggie sighed.

“Still very unsanitary. Nifty what were you thinking?” The radio demon jabbed into what he assumed was a thigh hoping to dislodge her. With a couple of more pokes a spindly little leg fell out and Alastor grabbed onto it pulling the little maid out with a flurry of ash. They both coughed, and Nifty threw grateful arms around his neck.

“Thank you sir! I was just trying to clean the chimney. It's so dirty!”

“Well perhaps chimney sweep isn’t an occupation you should endeavor to pursue.” He patted the little bug on the head. “How about some afternoon tea? You can take a break from your incessant cleaning, and I can finish my supper. Which was so rudely interrupted.”

Nifty and Charlie both perked up at the mention of food, though Vaggie glared at him for the remark.

“That's a great idea Alastor! We could all use a break and what’s more wholesome than a nice little tea party!” Charlie twittered with joy.

“I don’t know what kind of tea parties you go to Princess, but in my experience there are just excuses for gossiping and talking sh*t.” Angel said from the couch. “Which I mean I love gossiping and talking sh*t.”

“So you’ll have tea with us then?” Charlie asked excitedly, ignoring the negative aspect of what Angel had just said.

The spider demon just gave her a fond smile. “Sure.”

“Great. How about this, we all make something special to share. Our favorite tea, cookies, scones, whatever! That way we can learn something about each other.” The blonde clapped her hands together with authority. “Let’s meet back here in an hour!”

Alastor shadow stepped back into his room to finish his dinner, contemplating what he would bring to the party. He recalled the savory calas he’d made for Vox. The radio demon wondered if the other had enjoyed them. His mother had made them often as rice was a cheap staple in their home, though she’d made the sweet kind. As a boy Alastor had a higher tolerance for sweets but as he grew older his palate had refined. Still he’d learned many of his mother’s recipes for sweets. Vanishing his finished meal he made his way into the kitchen.

“Gonna make something for the tea party?” Angel asked. The spider was in the middle of filling a hollow pastry with cream.

“Indeed, if we have the ingredients.” Alastor hummed as he looked in the pantry, luckily it was well stocked and had everything he needed. Setting his cane to stand on its own the radio demon gathered all the needed ingredients and a sauce pan. Swing music softly played from his mic as he pulled on an apron and tapped his foot to the beat.

Angel laughed letting his hips sway to the music as well. “Didn’t know you made a whole production of baking.”

“Oh the mood has to be right when making anything, my dear fellow, or it won’t taste as sweet.” Alastor flicked on the burner and set a large saucepan over the flame.

“Watcha making?”

“You’ll have to be patient and see.” The radio demon measured out three cups of brown sugar. Melting it down with a half stick of unsalted butter and adding a cup of heavy whipping cream. He stirred continuously to ensure the mixture wouldn’t burn and added just a bit of maple syrup while setting his tentacle to the task of cutting and scraping fresh vanilla bean into the caramel. Once everything was well combined he took the pot of the burner and took out a baking sheet covering it with parchment paper. By then the mixer had cooled a bit and he folded in some pecans.

The radio demon dropped large dolepts of the praline mixture onto the parchment. Once everything was spooned out of the sauce pan the pralines were put in the fridge to help them cool faster.

It was almost time for everyone to meet up again in the lobby when the candy was taken out and arranged on a plate. Alastor paused for a moment and conjured up a small cardboard box with a cut out window in the shape of a radio on top. He set aside five pralines and tied the box with a red string, vanishing it into his room for safe keeping. Taking the plate he made his way out into the lobby to find everyone already sitting around the coffee table.

Nifty was whisking something in a cup, tongue sticking out in concentration. She perked up when he sat down adding his treats to the table.

“Here, first cup’s for you.” She launched towards him sloshing some of the green liquid in the cup.

“Thank you dear.” He said with a smile looking at the green frothy substance with suspicion. “What is it?”

“Matcha!” This did nothing to answer his question though the little bug seemed to think it did.

“I guess Nifty can go first. Tell us about what you brought.” Charlie encourage with a gleeful clap.

“Like I said, I brought matcha! It’s green tea, I love it. Go on take a sip!”

Alastor took a small sip and let the bitter grassy flavor linger in his mouth before taking another swig. “Not bad actually. I quite like it, very strong flavor.”

Nifty jumped up and down in triumph before crawling her way onto his head. “I’m glad you like it sir.”

“Ok, Alastor what did you bring?”

“Pralines. I am not a fan of sweets myself but I’m rather good at baking and confectionery.” It went on like this with everyone explaining what they brought and sharing a detail about themselves. Angel had brought cannolis, Husk brought a bottle of irish cream whiskey, Vaggie brought a savory treat called pupusas, and Charlie brought fireweed tea. The afternoon tea was pleasant but nothing compared to the tea party he had with Vox.

Alastor had rather enjoyed the amount of control the media overlord had given up to take on the role of doll. It was very amusing and picking out clothes for the demon had quickly become a habit. The fact that the TV had so readily donned the clothes picked out for him was also satisfying, especially when he’d seen the demon in cannibal town. Clothes made the man as they say, and it was refreshing to see Vox in something other than his usual suit. The corset had been aesthetically pleasing as well, leaning into the stiff restricted movement of a doll. Making Vox into a fine object to be shown off had been rather fun. Alastor hoped the other demon would, if nothing else, continue to wear the cufflinks he’d gotten him.

Red tipped claws subconsciously brushed against Alastor’s pants pocket where his pocket watch sat.

“Oh my gosh, Alastor!” Charlie brought him out of his thoughts, and made him aware of the empty tray of candied clusters as she grabbed the last one. “These pralines are amazing! You should make us treats more often!”

“Well, dear, if I made them often they wouldn’t be treats now would they?” The redhead finished his green tea, and Nifty brushed some crumbs out of his hair that she had left behind. There was a sense of pride that consumed Alastor’s chest upon seeing the empty tray, confirmation that the recipe was still as sweet and delicious as it had been when his mother taught it to him.

“Well next time we have a special occasion please do make something again.” Charlie said joyfully as her and Nifty started cleaning up. Husk and Angel were talking amongst themselves and Vaggie retrieved some of the leftovers. The radio demon grabbed a firm hold of his cane and made his way back upstairs to his room.

Alastor's smile stretched a bit wider as he saw the untouched box of pralines he’d set aside. Fishing out his pocket watch he notes that it was well after working hours. Picking up the packaged treats the radio demon melted into his own shadow traveling across pentagram city just to re-materialize in Vox’s office.

The light of the aquarium was the only thing illuminating the space, as he set the package carefully on the TV demon’s desk


Alastor was going over his inventory sheet, looking at his tallies to see what supplies he’d have to order for the hotel this month and what could wait. He sat at his desk in his room, soft music playing from his mic as he made a shopping list. There was an odd sound mixing with the music, and for a moment Alastor thought his mic was acting up. But, when he silenced the music the sound still echoed persistently throughout his room. His sensitive ears soon tract the source of it. The Voxtech watch was chiming with a message on the screen. The radio demon had forgotten all about the magically repaired device. He picked it up from the bookshelf he’d tossed it onto.

V sent a voice memo

The message read along the top with a button below it, reading: Listen

Curiosity took over and a red tipped finger pressed listen. Alastor absentmindedly sat back down at his desk strapping the watch onto his wrist. He picked up his pencil to continue his list when he noticed the screen displaying a still picture of one of the pralines he’d made. This piqued his interest even more. It didn’t take long for furry ears to swivel towards the sound emanating from the small device. It was clear and crisp for such a small thing. The distinct sound of a string being untied graced eager ears. Then the slight crinkling sound of the cardboard treat box being opened. Every little sound rang so clear Alastor could almost see what was happening. Vox’s blue tipped claws reaching into the box, picking up one of the pralines…

A chill ran down Alastor’s spine when the distinct crunch of Vox biting into the candied pecans graced his ears.


The pleasurable sound was soft, and lips smacked as if savoring the sweet flavor. Another bite and another tingle skittered down Alastor’s spine. The sound of chewing could be clearly heard, and the radio demon wondered at what sort of microphone could pick up subtle sounds so clearly. He could even hear Vox swallow! The TV demon reaching back into the treat box was announced by rustling. Another crunch, another sound of enjoyment.

These are soooo good.”

The words were just a sigh, a quiet whisper that the mic picked up clearly. There was licking and sucking as if Vox was cleaning off his fingers. Alastor’s hand clenched and the pencil he had forgotten he was holding snapped in half.

I’ll save the rest for later.”

The sound of the treat box closing and the string being purposely tied back on.

Thank you, sir.”

The audio cut out, and the picture of the praline disappeared from the small screen on Alastor’s wrist. He tapped at the device wanting to see if the sound file was saved, if he could listen to it again. However the main screen had so many icons it quickly became frustrating trying to figure out what they represented. When he clicked on one that looked like a microphone it just took him to something called a voice recorder. But there was nothing there except a record, play and delete button. When he hit the play button nothing happened.

“Urgh! Useless contraption!” He glared at the watch as if doing so would magically reveal to him how to use it. All he knew was that the little phone button would make calls, but all these other tiny squares weren’t very straight forward. Alastor did not want to call Vox to ask how to use the watch, he didn’t want the TV demon to know he wanted to listen to the audio again. The media overlord would get a big head and gloat about it, and most likely act like a spoiled brat next session just to irritate Alastor more.

Dragging his finger across the small screen he was bombarded with more tiny icons he had no idea about. It had been frustrating enough to go to the library and look up information on computer terminology for the doll prompt, he had no more patience for figuring out technology! With a frustrated grunt he sat up abruptly knocking over his chair, and stormed out of his room. Making his way down to the common area Alastor was relieved to see Charlie with her idea boarded out.

“Charlie dear, could I have a moment of your time?” He asked with his usual smile and charm.

“Sure thing Alastor! What’s up?” The blonde bounced happily towards him.

“I have this new device. I was in the middle of inventory and thought it would be easier to order things this way, rather than for me to go out and buy them. I’m embarrassed to admit I have no idea what I’m doing.” the redhead lied smooth, sticking out his wrist to show Charlie the watch.

“Well what are you wanting to know?” Charlie asked with a smile glancing at the watch. “There’s a lot of icons so I can see how that might be overwhelming. The green one with the phone is for making calls and then the one with the envelope is for messages. But was there something–”

“Messages? So if someone perhaps had sent me a thing called a ‘voice memo’ would it be there?” Alastor asked.

“Yeah probably. You can send voice memos instead of texts. A lot of people do it when they need to send a message hands free but don’t want to talk on the phone for whatever reason.”

The radio demon tapped on the message icon and it brought him to a screen that was mostly empty except for a blank gray circle with the letter V next to it.

“Looks like you don’t have any unread messages, but you can look at the old ones or reply by clicking on the chat.” Charlie explained, she glanced up at Alastor with a inquisitive smile. “V?”

“For vendor, darling. I didn’t have the patience to type the whole thing out. Knowing about this voice memo function will surely assist in my correspondences. Much easier to speak than to type on this useless device.”

“You know it might be better if you got a phone. The screens are bigger and easier to navigate.”

“I shall think on that, for now I’ll continue to acquaint myself with the device I have. Thank you very much, Charlie, for your assistance.” Alastor stepped away, clicking on the gray circle. It opened the message thread where there was a rectangle with lines running in the middle of it and a little play button. The radio demon climbed up to his tower to sit and relisten to the audio.


Vox had spent the past three weeks sending voice memos to Alastor through the recommissioned Voxtech watch. The media overlord knew that the redhead was listening to the memos, as he’d set up “read” receipts. Everytime Alastor opened and listened to the message Vox would get a little notification in the corner of his screen. The first time he’d sent a memo it had taken a while for the radio demon to listen to it, but subsequently every other message had been opened within seconds of being sent off.

Unplugging the microphone from the back of his head he sent off the new memo he’d just recorded. He’d cooked himself a simple dinner of chicken with broccoli and rice. Capturing the sounds of cutting into the florets, washing the rice and the sizzling chicken. Before he could even finish plating his food he got the notification that Alastor had opened the memo. With a co*cky grin Vox went to sit at his dining table and enjoy his meal.

“Voxxie!” He was halfway through his dinner when Valentino sauntered into his apartment.

“I’m eating!” Vox called with slight annoyance from the dining area, determined to finish his meal despite the interruption. Val came into view poking around the kitchen with a pouting face.

“And you left me nothing but rice.” The taller demon crossed one pair of arms over his chest and the others sat on his hips. “I’m starting to feel neglected. You won’t dress up for me after a whole month of teasing. I didn’t even get to f*ck you in that delicious little corset!”

“Sorry Val, I had some sudden business to handle.” Vox lied cutting another bite off the chicken breast. Val plopped down next to him pout still firmly in place. Vox glanced at him with a neutral expressions unsure where this interaction would lead. Val just huffed out a sigh and shrugged .

“That’s fine I just called Angel to the studio and f*cked him in one of his pink corsets. I like how they push up his chest fluff anyway.” So it was the comparison route. Vox sighed and tried not to let the comment get to him.

“Good, glad you were able to get your dick wet.” Vox’s lack of jealousy obviously irked the moth demon. Frankly the media overlord was tired of playing this game. Tired of having his want to be desired taken advantage of. He would never be the only person in Val’s life and that was fine because Val wasn’t the only one in his. Their relationship was one of indulgence, a deal not too dissimilar to what he had with Alastor. Vox was very aware that he was f*ckable but not lovable. He didn’t need that rubbed in his face. He didn’t need to be compared to Angel. Even if Val found Angel to be more attractive, and visually arousing than Vox, the TV demon didn’t need to hear about it. After all, Vox respectfully didn't tell Valentino how ineloquent he was in bed compared to Alastor. Not that the moth demon knew him and the radio demon were f*cking, but still.

“I’d still like to f*ck you in your corset, amorcito.” Val purred switching tactics quickly since he didn’t get a rise out of his partner. “You looked so handsome in that tight little vest.” The comment did nothing to encourage Vox to put on the corset for Val. It had been a gift from Alastor, and he didn’t want to wear it for anyone else.

Vox didn’t respond, just finished his meal and gathered the empty dishes. “Oh come on baby, you’re not upset I f*cked Angel.”

“Of course not Val, why would I be upset about something you do basically every week? That’s why I want you wearing a condom. I don’t know where that f*cking spider has been, or any of the other whor*s you mess with.”

Val shot up from his seat and grabbed Vox’s arm harshly. The TV demon sent a warning spark over his skin and Val withdrew. “Why are you acting like a bitch? You gonna hold out on me again? You stopped dressing up and now you won’t put on that corset for me.”

“I’m not your doll.” Vox hissed out, and the wording made his heart hurt. Because he wasn’t Alastor’s doll anymore either. He was no one.

“No, you’re not, but you are mi corazón, don’t forget that.” Val ran his hand along Vox’s screen and the TV demon relaxed a little bit wanting to believe that lie. Wanting to hold on to those words just so he’d be someone’s. He knew better. For years him and Val have played this game of tug a war. The on again off again nature of their relationship held no stability yet Vox always went back, just like he’d gone back to Alastor. Always hoping for more and looking in barren fields.

“Prove it.” Vox challenged.

“Oh, baby.” The taller demon leaned down giving Vox a chaste kiss to the side of his screen. A hand intertwined with his own, another caressing his face, a third pulled him in close by the waist and finally the fourth rested on his chest. “If you wanted my attention you just had to ask. You don’t need to act up.”

Vox allowed himself to melt into the kiss Valentino pressed against his digital lips. Soon tongues laced together and the TV let out a sigh.


It didn’t take long for Vox to be pleasantly buzzed off Valentino’s saliva. It didn’t take long for the two to find themselves in bed together per usual. It didn’t take long for tongues and lips to move away from each other and towards other parts of the body. It didn’t take long for Vox to find himself moaning on top of Valentino, hands on his back, and spreading his cheeks as the moth demon watched himself disappear into Vox’s shuddering body.

Facing away from Val allowed the TV to fantasize about what he wanted, what he truly desired. Still his uncertainty didn’t allow for him to get lost in thoughts of Alastor. Every memory of passion and desire that he pulled up came with a warning. It was just an act. Alastor was playing his part, nothing was real. Nothing in Vox’s life was real.

The moth demon came quickly, seed trapped in the condom Vox had slipped onto him before he began his ride. He lifted himself up sweaty from exertion, body unsatisfied. Turning around he removed the condom and tossed it god knows where. “I’m still hard, Papi, you gonna take care of that?”

“Well aren’t you sassy today. Of course I’ll take care of that for you, amorcito. Lay down on your back for me.”

Vox arched up into Val’s mouth, looking away from the red eyes watching him. He threw his arm over his screen, not out of pleasure, though he hoped Val would interpret it that way, but so he could pull up his voice memos. He set his screen to record the memo, his other hand blindly reaching to push Val’s head down onto his co*ck. He wanted the man busy so only Vox’s moans could be heard. He wanted Alastor to hear him…to want him.

The TV demon took in a shuddering breath, focusing on the sensations of the warm mouth around him. Listening to the wet slurping sounds as Val devoured him, knowing that those sounds would excite Alastor. Even if the sound quality of this memo wouldn’t be as clear as the others.

“f*ck…” He gasped out, letting himself imagine Alastor’s reaction to the recording. A small part of VOx hoped the radio demon would be a little jealous.

“Oh…yes…please…just like that.. Mhmm.” Vox played it up a bit, which seemed to encourage Valentino.

Vox thought about Alastor listening to his moans. Would he be alone in his room? Would he get aroused? Would he touch himself? “Ah…don’t…nhgn…don’t stop…please..uh!”

Vox loved to watch the radio demon please himself. Early on in their deal Alastor had been more reserved, exclusively using his tentacle, and only occasionally touching himself. Hardly ever f*cking Vox. The TV demon didn’t mind, seven years ago that had been part of the thrill. Part of the degradation, that he wasn’t good enough to f*ck, that Alastor was so above him that he wasn’t worth his time. Now all he wanted was to know that Alastor was enjoying himself. That Vox was providing him with something he couldn’t get anywhere else. That he needed Vox just as badly as the TV demon needed him. It was a familiar path, a dangerous one. One he’d walked seven years ago, and was to stupid to avoid.

“Please!” The media overlord whined loudly, not pleading for Val, not even pleading for his own release, but begging to be noticed. Pleading to be cared for by Alastor. To be cherished and kept, just like a precious doll.




A second lathering of soap was applied to already clean hands. Alastor scrubbed up his wrist as if trying to get rid of all evidence of his sin. It’s not like anyone would see the cum stains on his hands, but he felt them there, judging him. He was losing control and to his body of all things. He turned off the water frustration bubbling in his chest, teeth clenched in anger. Anger at Valentino, anger at Vox, anger at himself.

He hated himself for his body’s response to the noise on that damn voice memo. Hated how he listened to it a second time as he touched himself. Hated how he compared Vox’s moans to the ones he made when with him. Listening out for any difference. For any indication that his encounter wasn’t satisfying, was just as dull as all of the other sex acts Alastor had witnessed between the two. There weren’t any, Vox had moaned loudly and enthusiastically. He sounded so satisfied in the throws of passion with Valentino. Something Alastor could never give. Something so many of his ex lovers had asked of him. Spontaneity, desire, ravishing. Not a schedule, not a time slot carved out once a month. Not hours of planning and minutes of concentration and relaxation just to feel aroused. But real passion…real sexual desire.

Alastor just didn’t have it in him. He couldn’t muster it, and he hated how easy it was to sit alone and listen to Vox’s moans and get aroused. How touching himself felt no different from when Vox touched him.

The radio demon could never give Vox the all consuming passionate sex he got from Valentino. Alastor would never walk in on Vox changing or in the shower and be consumed by lust. If Vox didn’t have another outlet he'd never be satisfied. Perhaps he fantasized about Alastor when with the moth demon, but that was just fantasy. That wasn’t reality. The TV demon had never come in contact with the disappointment of not being desired by a lover. Their deal shielded him from that truth. The truth that Alastor could never be enough.

Alastor hated that he even cared to be.

Any Given Tuesday - Chapter 6 - Tianren (2024)
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Author: Rev. Leonie Wyman

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Author information

Name: Rev. Leonie Wyman

Birthday: 1993-07-01

Address: Suite 763 6272 Lang Bypass, New Xochitlport, VT 72704-3308

Phone: +22014484519944

Job: Banking Officer

Hobby: Sailing, Gaming, Basketball, Calligraphy, Mycology, Astronomy, Juggling

Introduction: My name is Rev. Leonie Wyman, I am a colorful, tasty, splendid, fair, witty, gorgeous, splendid person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.