The Sydney Morning Herald from Sydney, New South Wales, Australia (2024)

APARTMENTS, BOARD AND RUI LnTP Am wrienvn FLATS WANTED TO KENT HOl'fr. LAND, BtSINTSS premises, for halb Dr. ilXTOl F-T ANDWAJWXtU IWI'ftrS. LAND, BUilNE-M rBXMlSF. WAMkD TO Ptm HAttt (2 The Sydnsy MoraUir HstsM.

TWfUr, FspTUsry 7. 19501 HaaleS PUBSI, Plastk, cont. girl's tV7 1 Lost. Fnday morning. Caniral I Reward Ring XJ1550.


WANTED. P. Cottage, to 3500. Urgent. Box 3i02.

a P.O.. city. VTTD, to buy: Weatherboard House, TUS. 2S. require Small Single KOOM, any suburb, eloa train; non drinker.

No. 8731, Herald. BUB. COUPLE req. Flat or She Houa.

Ring Cameron, M3Q13. Kef. avail 1US. LADY would Ilk FUt. furn.

or 1) Manly Dutrtct. isnWta 30 week. No. 8781. Herald.

BUSINESS Couple urgently require Furnished FIaAT with Osrage. A VACANT POSSESSN. FTBRO HOMX IJARCEL. Flahlng Rod. Lost near Bob I A.

bin Head. Bunrilv tkaararrt I HOliftRS. LAND, BrflNTM FRfcMISM. LIC. FUR SAI.E nnt'ffFff.

LAND. BUtHNEM PREMISES, for SALE POWER, LAND, BlSXNEJ RfcMISM, FOB BALE TTEnd FOR saTI Jj Rev RUb, Homebuih. iJJ Pt-akhurst. Svlvania 150. W.

AIJXANDER. CARLTON. LW31HO. oaeh bur sr. SEA FORTH Fare-brlfk Reeidenre, p-proxunaiely 21 squares, tiled roof, iiiniin viea at present two self- XX, required urgently IAiivIm Ave WavM-la I aiiiH lanv aeexa run nomra.

UYtA AND SON. BLlASl. JJ Buraood to Concord West. WUUng VP. Apply 8776.

Herald. Challl House. Martin Place. PTT. LTD.

con mined Flat One 2 bedrmi end one uunoa, us, green ana Isjv 8tur day, between Bebarfsld'a, Faruier'i. co-op. mmt meal. UA2178 An i mn oi nsv arrival, nmm a-a w. Please 'mm rjnxi.

TvWIBTONE: 3650. Brfc. Cot-J tag. 3 I 4.. tiled bth b.

ver. 4 mis stn. Exc cond. jlftfC Realty. 19 Bllgh Bt BW4BU1.

Brick Home, sewered and near to 4 bedrms. IMMEDIATE VACANT POSSESSION of both Flat. Bargain si TJUHlNrJMt nin requires nostq. uwdii REAL ESTATE AGENTS and wage ana canlerburv train rward a fbuith Pita rm XlUSINEM Couplo Furnuhed liar, kobo nay, vupim, v.v A VACANT POSSESSION BRICK HOME reoulred urgently for cash iranipnn tun awuiw.

leoo, ncraiu. 41175 till re. VP. nu 1 v. AN! CV.VW PRAYER BOOK black, leather bcW I LOSl.

Quay-bound Re-rait ml Good reference. Mr. Smith. BL302S or WAirrEU, or A oearoooi rnoro or Bnrk Cottage. Western Suburbs, to 2W0.

Principals only. Ring Regan. buyer MYER AND BON, lial, unaj lis HousieMartin Plate. PHONES. BW487S, BW9940.

Attractive New ilflttBfloV, 4.H30. DONALD KNIGHT and CO 16 Be'srave 6r Manlv. XU485S. Also Seaforth. XJ1318.

Hill tram. 9 a fiunda fUntirr.rt.kf in 30'e. require Alt TARUON. Mod Brk. Duolex.

"lOUPlJE. with aulat arhnolairl. raoalre very nice auiei RU3003. between 9 and Plat coat, Ins-, din. rm til Alter noura, 1A-I17t.

oroin.a o'uii-ih ALL FROPERT1I--3 SOLD ON BABY ounte position. Garage. Unapt, at door. TERMS GOOD VALUE. FIN AN OK AHHANOED.

WADDY and OO. Branch Ofllo. i BOYNE A CanUroury a All typg Of Homes wanted, V.F. rU. and careful tenants.

0 FLAT, PLATtrrre. or ROOM, use oonvs. 10848. Herald 1URBE, am all. cont bet.

15 irg 20. 2 return railwav tiekMi, ANTED. A Cash Buyer went rtoro YS Cottag. East Hills Lin, to 2000 R. ROSE.

REAL ESTATE AGENT. 40 ENMDHE ROAD. NEWTOWN LA2142. Mii.riu a u.t nf htiven malting row ney-Tamworh. Lost, around Svd 1 WH HAVE ONE HLNUHLD HOMHS -1 14 Ppnng St.

Phonf Barttn Uouel, Mthrm. and kit. VAC. POSS 1 FLAT Othr Lt. ad.

mala roed po. VIEWS, UND8AY ft CRAIO, M6433 3 lines), yulOQF 165 EU. St, Qrd- Fir ibUNTRYBus Olrl desires hie Room nr PlaleMe H7Q5 Herald F'NG 23. want BmaU FLAT i before wife arrives from England. 0 week' time.

Rent ud lo 3. Write reward. Ret. For prompt, emcient saie service. n.s Vacant possession TO CHOOSE BU31 34.

after hour. XMlwr Bundi Private Hotel. I HUM. 160 each. Terms.

Wlllmore and Randell. 11c Castlerragh Bt. BW4411. riUGGERAH LAKES. Level lot.

elevated WYATT, 56 Doncaster Ave. Kensington. C10UNTRY Girl, seeking acconunoda-' Hon, private home, handy Couaerva- iKn LAND OONSITLT OS F1R--4 I A CASH BALE. itiiimn a mth nRHPERATE WANTED, Brick Home, 3 b.r., good Eastern Sub. Buyer will pay tun price for nice home.

Amalg R.E.A-. 173 Pin Hi next a PO RU324 rei, SHOES. Black. Lmt Wynyard Sut:" 8 30 Friday. Reward.

1855D. Herald. TMEWMY VAC. POSSESSION lOnum. no uoo, nrraiu HOMES to 3000 Bales at no coat to nun or oii iirwi nci iui.

ni. i NTii. -rn-H rrauim Mcnm. Tastefully furnished 3-bedroomed Cottage, garage, food elevated, east li PYMBLE, SAft 137ft. 380 On transport, good Home Site.

CHONULLA. 52It 15i. 357 level tarM anulh anod area front and bui 50. Tmi. Wlllmore OPF0CTACLK8 Lost, telephone brx W-d vendoti.


prlvato family. Ui- Ir.HhMtnrri WY llt and Randell. 11c Castlereagh St. BW44U MAKlin. Kings irw.

42 Douglaa Haig Street. Oailev. I iNleht. FM11S8 ARNCLIFFE. NMt 140ft.

300 L.VNG INK EKING EXECUTTVB desire urgently. Cash buyers waiting. AIM lo Leace or Rent. C. L.

ROWLINQ, LA. RE B.A., 325 Church Street, Parramaita. UW6767; private. UF2225. aspect, right et but via snop.

Atuu tivo garden. 2073. Term. WILLMORE AND RANDELL. lie CifcUeresfh Street.

fW4411. TVEN1STONE EAST. Oallard Street. r.r R'nrk bus nainiT well elevsied Xj Pleasant Hootn. board riiAKrAiLiin, green, Liost.

hetveea Newtown snd Broadway. Rt I TERRIOAL D18T Land, few mln beach hdv Wamberai Lake and nn B. HOME, two bedroom, spacious lounge, dining, sunroom. kitrhen. bath-rm.

W.B. SOLID BRICK GARAGE Oardena and la us laid out. A hums in L. J. BOOKER LTD.

Pitt St BW8401 ANY SUB. VAC FOBS. To 2000. 2-bedrm. Cottsge required urgently.

to 5 5. LM240I, bus. hour. Newtown. rd.

from Gonford Bid. at 60. Easy Terms. WILLMORE and RANDELL, 11c AM VP Tlrhniirt new ver modrrn I GENT, requires noom, use win. v.

108H0, Herkld. CI ENTLEWOMAN, own linen, cutlery, would give light early morning err- 183 EUisbeth St. AHer hours, JA7B21. WATCH Laay cnurcn Bt, Lidrr r'UAT or naiett tirgeniiy rec Western Bubs. buslnee FL16I2.

Iter 7 m. Reward. 1 morn. TEICHHARDTt Bungalow, built ltH. i bnrk end flbro.

4 bedrms lounge, ait 16ft 16ft. tiled bath csstieresgn Ht, BW44ii. i D.F;"3-bedrm. Hot-water n-stecn. 2200.

FAIRFIELD Arret and Purn LjLA IB or ROOMS, kitchenette, near wsterlroni. city, married couple, no WALKING STICK Lost In St. Sat. afternoon. Re.

FF3t 3 WATCH. Gold Wristlet. Wvnvaic tmi top. Martin PI. Rew.

14300 fid I A NUMBER of CASH BUYERS wsltlng to purrhaso HOMES on NTH. SHORE vice, pay rent. iur nice im, use svut, Quiet home 10847, Herald. IADY reqa. Unl.

Room, neat a Ma 14LHH Herald. Brick Home Uled roof larg lounge, dining room, kitchen, dinette, bathnn. and laundry. Land 67ft frontag. cleat to transport.

shop, etc. Ideal position among new home. Venetian blind, carpeted throusttout. 41(X or 4650 fullv and teAielully fumiihed. For in petition and full particular appir J.

Flbro Oct i City water snd elec- vertlna Into Plat or Flateties rm. W. uiatMo-in mine tram VACANT POSSESSION 31st Mar, Owner must sell, leaving Australia. RAPRIF1CK AT MOO a completed going concern. Substantial wTATCH, Wrist lei, Lost.

Ceiv.r! u4 I HILU CO 175 Pill it. BL14S1 Alter hour. FM1I37 M.V. urgently req. furn.

loned to live apart, no uiroa laiajui. nnua, rnoiu eat-eneni condition inrougnotii, minute station. Only 2500. 1MMED. VAC POSS.

GLOBE BUILDIKf! CO. PTY, LTD. BW1W46, WENTWORTH I LLti ULTRA-MODERN FIB HO BUNGALOW, two spac. lounge, baihrm verandah, etc. W.

aenr. th out. Close transport. rounds laid on'- in gardens and lawna. IMMfcD.


PA HA ATT A ATTRACTIVE BRICK HOME, two lounge, kit. glaftvd-ln sleen- L. J. HOOKER LTD. 0S Pitt St BWS401 incuy.

etc. a iwiu CITY Brick 14 room 3500. BUILDING BLOCKS. PEAK HURST, ISO TEMPE. 323.

PARI NO BAH 1 Acre Land 150. 11TATCH. Isdv'S. gold insrnberi cash buver waiting. 'Fnone.

hwuhi. L. ASHLEY At 28 Martin Place. 1 1 ANTED Home for country famllv. 3- cniiaren.

iimj7. iieraia. hLAT. read, to 4'4 p.w by Young Couple, about to msrry. prsf.

Ring LA3862. 8 30-6. GROSVKNOR CO. have many Clirnti for Flats. Homes.

D. and Sgle. Kma any sub. Adv. rent, 2-7 gn.

Any term, Groavenor 72 Pitt St. BWl'iM. jet. with bangle, between children H74H. Herein.

a III I JIJ5- AG ED BUSINESS CPUS. A CASH BUYER An" NORTH SHORE LINE 4 bedrms. North or East nay ana nty. ncniia. aui J30.

1. Biepieton rij, ijj rn oirrci, 1'ASTWOOD P. Brk, Bung 3 offices, 3 min. Rn sewered TEMPE ESTATES. Commonwealth Bank IK FOR BRICK FIBRO.

or B. COT Cash to 651)0. Urgent Xj BRADFTELD High, level, cleared. HiLn, L.aay unrome. loi.

rfrtf beiween Bent and Klna Rti r-rk. Chambers, tempb. LUibso. jwidub, ii loiiking for Accommodation, or or two furn. or unfurn.

Rooms, with kitchen or kitchenette, up to 3 wkly. Reference. Able to pay six months' rent in ittifir Plmne PW7.IV tt Lo 12 noon; E. ft. 540a Military Rd.

Moemsn. XM4480. IP you have a Flat. Coltaee. nr Half a SDOUl Ull 12U, BleADFl ELD Cleared, gutt ubdivlsion, nt -JHft ins ably In WaverW tram.

Regard FW3flrij, -I House vacant, give Young Couple to 2850. J. L. NEILL OO, 77 C'reagh St. MA5OI0.

AST WOOD. Two-ttorey J-b r. Houit, llTAlLH. IvOSl in isxi or Mtr.a TAGE. We have number Engllh eiienii watting Bint BWSH33.

Wi Inspect at one. SHAW 17 Martin Placs. aNl EDI ATETpOT-CASH SALE A miAKANTEKD lor your Brick lirAniUJ i or reiirea larmer nrira it 1 or 3 garage, or marry nrst opportunity. King miss uoe St. Friday night: aUo Tan a.

or writ Sch eon. Flat 1, 124 Francis out. etc. All serlcea connwied. Only V.P..

Bankstown. B. Gift. 1200 Bray. 8 Lyons St.

Strathfld. UJ36J6 V.P.. CROYDON PARK: Brk. Cott 4 kit garage. Od.

buy. 2500. Weatherlll. Thomas. Ashfleld.

UA2H83. PYMBLE 2 block, oaoh SS 128, 6 per fool AlfnooNO A cleared, level. 00 144. entranre. In good Notth.

Eastern, or bag. In taxi, Saturday night FX. attractive IB dmui. garaens. mm rn Bni hnM tioriv csrrjets.

curtain. .1 mina aration orounaa oui in i mr ibuju.oi. IADY from Hong Kong would like 1 4 Smell Furnished FLAT for self and wmr A ix. inscrioeo 10 stiy Dr-ag I Ew Ze lander req. run nova, nanaj wriiern ntiouro.

czsw to run. Amalg. 173 PlU St inext to Wihrn or W.B. COtUgS. any Uiawici, adult son, near ci'v.

six months or '12 Dickson Street, lirALLET. Lost. Mondsv Cor XI city. Urgent. 7W.

neram. ONE or 2 Unfum. Rooms, req, hiuiness woman. 1084. Herald.

e. prirx. nay-1 rice given llkZAnLn 27iK 1 lpcno 257 CAffTTXREAOH Vict. St. PA7S40.

VnnvuilTt MARK fOV 8 longer. 10S4.V Herald HARD IE ft GORMAN PROPRIETARY LIMITED, flft Martin PI are Svdnev. KOROL. 181 M.v. req.

uniurn. rookine eon. Barlow. FW3161. Ven.

and can blinds. Fns. 5850 or near offer. TRKNTY and Eastwood. 'Phone.

EARLWOOD: 3750. Attract. Brick 2 Inge, encl. a.o. front and b.

all P. 0. WATERS, Lie. Agent. Earlwood.

LL1133. OSMAN Land, best part. Quick QUIET Cupl req. Rouen and conv. Nn 142110 Herald.

FW2924. vv 6 10. Wynyard. Hornsby ima Ring JX4112. Reward WATCH.

Lady's, chrom. cnr. Dir. linghum Road. Mscleay 6..

Goes Reward. FA1544. Havllah Tati aV 1-81. 800. XB20US.

a I'tPTnnr: v.xe Ride. Lot. hleh. QUIET, middle-aged business womsn want Single R-om, ncir city, away OTHE.H ana eon, do in going mm-tiess reuuire Flat or Accommodation 31 views. 50.

Term. Wlllmore snd paths, gsrdeni. etc. FULLY FURNISHED THIIOUUHOUT. Home in excellent order.



living-room, etc. Only 6 mins. bus snd shop. Handy Strathnrld. Banlcs-ton Slation.


BW9046. LUOARNO: ULTRA-MODERN NEW FLBRO BUNGALOW. Two MA6158 (3 lineal or FM60S4 any hour. A FIBRO ccttage with Sewer. In oi A.

near Parramatta. WANTED FOR QUICK SALB. ARTHUR ROBINSON "Th Man Who Sella the Earth." 346 Church Street. UW7751. PARRAMATTA.

TJW8536 with conveniences. 8756. Herald. week-ends. PU uuiibJ tn-j.

Randell. 11c Caatlereagh St. BWMll WATCH, lady's. Gold. Cooget bus or Coosee area KfegJ i.i'HRtY-riHi.r.


IMMEDIATE INSPECTION. Phone. Write, or Cell. WILLMORE and RANDELL. 11c Casiltreagh street.

BW4411. 1 Board and Lodging. Hansley. JU11W2 sue. jiHi aa u.

rnonr, a m.l WrATCH. lady's Gold Wn t. Sa: VINEYARDS. Liverpool Diat. Horn Site.

133 260, 65. Willmme and Randell. 11c Cutleteatch St. BW4411 VAUCLUSE. PRICE.

7750. i NEW DUPLEX FLATS. 3 h.w refrlg. Both P. I Barry and Co.

(Rose Bav) FU6.T1. V.P.. nr. W. Sub.

Large Home, equipped 3 b.r., Inge Ivd. suit guest house, and 2 Blocks land. 4200 GORMAN. Granville. UU1721 V.P., ROSEBKRY.

B. Tile 2 1.. break. 1., drive in, handy excell. cond.

Price 11EKP. Lady req. rurn nwra, tjuici, -J a Oxf St P.O. MOTHl-Jt ana usugnier, ouairirM people, require Flatette or Room with facilities No. B737, Herald.

MOIHFR and 2 Business Daughter require FLAT. moderate rental. Reference No. 14284. Herald.

ane i.adv will uiv a mth. in adv. day. between King Crcis irafi WICK. -'Kensington: Busines Woman any time.

Builder. XU153. OSMAN Balmoral Blf hts. mag. views.

Comp 4 tounge. offices. Nice garden, treea. cnr. AST WILLOOOHBT.

V.P.. 4300. Soundly built Horn In central position. 3 p. 1 sun s-ararc.

aewcred. Fully rum W.I O. OOOD VALUE. B. L.

WADDY and 44 Martin Plao. BWBOU, BW6247, r.u. or uii una, new, voniicsoa. Currabubula. 4N A NUMBER Of Deflnlte 1WM.

CASH BUYERS waiting for Home in II needs r. a ujmb cwn. u. i If WIS Herald TO LET ft WANTED TO RENT WALLET, black, Lost between Abhns-I KJ small B.C. Uniurn.

Flat. Rent no po. 5950. Cremorne Agency, amituj MT. WILSON.

Special. 2 acres, richest soil, orchard, and garden. vv iora tfoaisnen ar.c SINGIJS MAN. worker, like Room for self, non-drinker. lOflflO.

Herald. L.i INGLE Room, working man, close Kingsgrove-Beveny 3000 to 4500. Mere. Realty, 29 BUgh SUcet. BW4801.

ob B792. Herald. REFINED Bus. Couple require Flat, i. urtrent Rm.

JA7312. -itv m-trent 14l. Herald CtOOGEE. Well furn. 2 large lovely ocean views, H.W., gsrsge, 12 gn.

p.w.. 3 month. UJ3734. tlASTLE HILL: Mod. Home, 3 b.r..

beaut, 7 mth. to Have 11 rooms. 16 tqs. arid outbuilding. H.

and e. water, sewerage, 'phone. V.P. In Dec I ion bv appointment. 3150.

a i i rui-w-ii t.ii-Vim male, reouire perm U.A.A F. Perm. Off. snd Canadian wife i.10 iu in. uuw ivrtiii.

j-a rva 90 Carnarvon Street, Auburn WATCH, Gold, Lady travelling Btl-tleld. Sirs thfl eld. Lidcomae. koi. Ing.

Feb. 1st. 6enumenul vjii.t. Rj. ward.

45 Saxon Street. BelfieM. i BYDNEY Business Man KUNALD B. LEWIS. FW30H1-3HH8.

Ill Oxford Street Rand I 11 net inn lounge, garsge, etc. Close bug. Fully furnished with modern furniture throughout. Gardens laid out In lawns, ferneries, etc. 2750.



2 ARNOLD Kurralong. XX Excnnge J-Dfarotimeu oroinfV'rF or 3 btd- A a urgeniiy require rm vunr. furn. or no children. Telephone.

UJ1362. mwn nmiHtrv Olrl ure. need FLAT. IpppiNO. vao.

poes. li Attractive Brick Bungalow. Hdy itn. Well planned deaign. haa 2 unrm.

Unfurnished, 4230. Furnished, C4A25. ALSO: WEST BYDB. VAC. POSS.

Mod. Brick Bunralov. built 4 years. ImfALLET Lost. Fn 3rd Feb.

reiaj Board. Reaidence. no hare, Banka-town line. No. 13983.

Herald. TRADt-SMAN. wanted Single Room, no objection to yard room. Particulars. Stan Morris, Oxford St P.O.

Near city. rm. Will pav to 4000. Wlllmore and RandelL 1 efastleraaah St. B44U.

r.P.. MARRICKVI1XE. W'bnard 4 1.. H.W. Re frig Kosl Stove.

Blinds. Curtn. Handy posit. 2650 2-storey House. 8 btdroaou.

d.r.. tiled bth. Car Licence. Fuel and On rJ 1L1FTON GARDENS. MODERN HOME.

flLlF B.8 preferably con v. city. Ring Licences, and Coupon. Reuard. re- Ing to A.

T. O'BRIEN. 42 WaMugi well furnished. 7 rooms, etc. 2 rhri.a IJ2n2 alter 6 Dm O.r.,.

OWNER OARDEN, -S SS' wSiSd b. bu.1- 14 14 RONALD B. LLW1S. 7W3W1 -3H88. Ill Oxford Street.

Rondi Junction. ANT6U, Mill iur vwif rm 3 toilets, 200yds from surf. 7500. D. A.

MURDOCH ft let Floor, 76 PIU Street. BW7084. A PRIVATE CASH BUYER wants Cottage, handy Western Suburbs, about 1000 to 1500. Condition not Avenue, stramneia. 1 mnnthi frrnn Anltl encl.

verandan. etc. IMMED. VAC. POSS.

27.V. ahort orriod. reference nf peoi Kennedy 43 Hunter St. BWS208. WAlun: Loai.

oeiween inn Road. Alexandria, and Red tern RiU-l If required. I wepiy Oi. nermn. important.

Prepared to do own repair WENT VILLE. Tile Cott 2 1.. break. k'ette. encl.

w'shop. Newly handy ic-hool, shopa. Land 44 168. Price T71ACTORIES, BUSINESS nttwists, SHOPS TO LET and Wanted to ease rnone way Ststlon, Stainlen e'jal Watch, with Black Plastic Bind, er m. mur earned Count rr Girl urgently Sil LAKEMBA' ATRRACTIVE WEATHKR- Rent.

See Index. Wf ANTED. Pull Board, 3 adult. Ro- ply 1)329. Herald.

ANTED. Board. and adult son. References. UL2263.

ti WANTED. Bal. Roortf or Double Room, ree. Pv 2 snd I help- 1 hr. good rei.

Ring FW6J86. require Flat. Flatette. or Superior 6 50 tram from Alexandria Return Mitchell Rd. Alexandria.

Re Keeruu BOARD HOME. PLASTER LINED. TILED ROOF. Two bedroom, spae. RENT cneap, ID nmuDrwon artered elderly couple In return for ACOOmmoaailon.

ruuni rrv. fiAiinrilv.hnillt Bunealnw. 4 RONALD fl. LEWIS. FW3061-38Afl.

Ill Oxford Street. Bondl Junction. A.V fcgai'HARDf: lounge, pantry, two verandahs. Drlve-ln lor rar. boarding elderly gentleman.

Apply 129 Ststlon StreeL Fslrfleld. TTNFURN. or Furn. FLAT, ureat uane mi Crow's Nest. XB327S.

1 Thursday, citj. Caigl Pud. male. WANTtD. COTTAOr for JVFJiTMENT JllRPOSE ONLY.

IMMED, OENBINE Only mm. sta.ll on. Ground 30 160 TAN'reD uruently. 8.R and chen or Pl'ette. bv sober gent.

BEXLEY. Flbro 3 1.. b. 1.. gar.

Feltex. Blinds. 'Phone. Gas Fire. Land 30 200.

240(1 Blith poa'n con itn. Among nice home. EXCELLENT BUY. ONLY 3100. INSPECT these Propertlen TO-DAY.

A and F. J. FITZSIMMONS. 72 Piu Street, BW3493 BW6a53. EXCH Sale.

B. Coil (needs repair). 3 ac. excel, 20 mile city. 3 rains, beach, but, for cot i.

near rub. or SO mi, rad. Cash adj. No. 18571.

Herald. XT' URN Fibre Nth. font. V.P. 2500.

eaah. 1437. Herald. VOR SALE. W.B F.B.

Close station, 1600. 34 Henley Rd. Flemlnirton. TiIVEDOCK. Superior Bk.

Rom, corner. bk. garage. V.P. If 2-bed.

rented cott. exch. Price 2700. C. LOCKYER.

Belinor. UL1003. PUT. ieeb. ism out in ramena.

ai ieoiile; reference. Phillips, masjjb. UNFURN. B.C. FLAT OX ROOMS re-oulred by young bus.

couple, after CASH Client H. CALLAOHER CO gond sue. reception nn partly perfect order. Ideal alluaUon, phone, EXCELLENT VALUE. E.

L. WADDY and Branrh Office. 14 Spring St. Phone BARTON DOUST, BU2134. After hours, XM1097.

uenuemwn a nnnuniwn. ed Modern Home available for six months from March, owner going abroad. l.ol nMiiinn elosa to bus. Harbour p.w. NOT VAC.

POfoS. Would consider T.TOUND. Black Schaefter Pencil. nJ No. 185.13.

Herald. WANTED. Bed and single axenange. hhhi. ANNAn'dALE.

LM42a. 1st April. Phone. LF2439. 11 nt Keoiv Maris itrauwn views.

3 receiUon. 4 bedrooms. 2 bath GLOBE BUILDINO CO. PTT. LTD.

RWfWMfi. RONALD S. LEWIS. FW3061-3888. Ill Oxford Street, Bond! Junction.

V.P.. ROSE BAY, bosrd 3 1.. 1.. in excell. cond.

WArtltM, r.mi, win l' -week. Ring FA6732. Kogarah; or Ring LW3S59. IiOUND DOG. Foxie-crn ta tsn.

curlv tail. fy ANKSTOWN Pound Brown A NUMBER OF OENTJIN1! CASH A urtMPA In EASTERN SOUTH BTRATHPIELD: ULTRA-MOD WAN IbU, UOUOIV numii vt ctKtkg. by bus. eple. Apply whit blaxe.

3 white leg, bludd rooms, xncnen. garngr, SONS PTT. 133 Pitt St. BW1256. WANTED to Rent.

Flat or cottage, near railway station, for 4 adults, to 3. Apply 10B83. Herald. Land 45 160. Elevated lovely ERN LUXURY NEW BRICK HOME, Threw atne.

lounre. din -rm. SUBURBS, from 3000 it -Opit DV1EVV, VII. prang "YJ ANLY-QUEENSCLIFF. VACANT POSSESSION.

5250. itraI-tiv anit elevated PTJLI.Y FUR Uled Uled sep. ahower PUBLIC NOTU ES in olltlng cllenU for WANTED to Rent, nai or votiw. near railway station, for 4 adult. 11 sneclslli SToTHIU.

nd lis Pitt street. BL1461. Alter FM1137. recess, etc. car emranc.

ro Waated to Real we neea riats, ni- we nrra rmi, N1SHED Home, extensive views, and well toilet. Muit be seen to be armreciated. to 7. 10684. Herald.

II yo'iT ACCotn. -eties. self-conuined Rooms. Single and CMTTH WYLIE IAUSTRAUAH TREEHOLD LAND. VAIN ROAD Semi, or Flat.

3 nr. OOTT. Semi, or Flat. 2 uiuy s. jvuu.

jm.mj-jj. vav. ie out garaen. none hm nra- tjinnir. ninlna.raiM and offlce UH'J7R WAN I'LU urgently Couple.

1 -bedrm. Belf-cont. Furn. RONALD S. LEWIS.

BW3061-3888. Ill Oxford Street, Bondl Junction. V.P. WENT'VILLE. P.

Tile plaster lined, pauered. 2 mod bath. end. sunrm. 30 8.

Cnr. at transp. and school. 50 1500. Price 1825.

Dep. 700. RONALDS. LEWIS. FW306I-388S.

Ill Oxford Street. Bondl Junction. -m-a'Va-vrvn hit man 40. day worker. with 'look-out tower, Detached a :imi.i A rurn.

or to 4. B0234. Ext. 587. A COTTAGE, adult family, rent, share, West.

Sub. 18562. Herald. 4 BUS. EXEC reqs.

a home or flat. or Unfurn. FLAT. Ph. FA6B3S.

"njent. LOST SHARE CERTIFICATE Arm He at Ion haa been trade ti full Board, will do odd lobe In spare A BUYER WANTS BOMB. NEW BRICK or FIBRO. 3000, URGENT BEFORE 20ln rebruiry DEAN At ALLAN. 346.

Vlctorl. Street. FA274S. Xlnl'l CroM. FA2145.

ROCKDALE: ATTRACTIVE BRICK Paeoda Flatette. of on sell-eonLained POSITION. DUftAL DISTKICT. 17 acre. Torrens Till.

Splendid position. Oood toil. Price 3j. ASHLKY ft 266 Church St PARP matt a yw6a24. Mlsa time.

k. Dimww. -h, HOME. ONLY 3 MIN. STATION 2 country girl, nice locality.

above Ccrr.panv to Issue new Cer.f-std Of Title to Shares No. 22Q454 to 22870 t'OUNO Technician require Single large oedrm.v, ipao. large mod. nice DOUBLE BAY. FM67f A COUPLE.

Boy 12. req. C. COT- and 255588 to inclusive, in lie) of Original Certificate No. 3114 iv-inA i i ivies I Rnnm n.

IT CltV. 14301. Herald, brick garage. Grounds laid out A TAGE or FLAT urgently, wooo. rei VACANT POSSESSION.

BRICK COTTAGE TILED ROOF. Contain 3 lartre lounge, dln- X'OUNO 'LADY. Graduate, reqs. room or FLAT SITE, attuated In beet part of Moaman. MlUUry Rd.

close to Spit lT ANTED, Fur. Hat or snare Home nj Young Couple, marrying 2 weeks. Ring FW2803 after 11 am. ANTED. Unfurn FLAT or DOUBLE ROOM, cooking ronv cur space in gardens ana lawa.

uici. pnone. vniy BARNES. FU6614. Br.saA D-ui3 i Ttaf flatette.

with or without board, conv. deceased, or Bydnev. ana Executor, nr. MAROUBRA. VACANT POBBBJ81W, MODERN BUNOALOW.

rnlv 3 yr. old Close to transport, urn en wnn ainintT recess ARM TOC ANXIOUS TO StU YOUR PROPERTY. i -r ttv Junction. Lano iwn dr ir-R nsnn. Additional room on back verandah, bath to iwuiin-.

wrsxtivn r-i-rir twimrea Board in refined las winiam Jtiorm wnn. Statutory Declaranoo that A furn. Flat. 2 Jror more. Excell.

company, Pfraonal ret. Guarantee maintain premises, garden in GLOBE BUILDING CO. PTY. LTD. BW9046.

HURLS TONE PARK: SUBSTANTI- two adults. State correct aaorai 01 L. J. BOOKER 98 Pitt S. BWMD1 rm laundry.

Spacious workshop and -wnunnr xici-n Aft tin. JA7S21) Ceruflcat of Title lo the said ai same. Apply no. nmoo. TO Ha 3 lounge, mod.

kit. and laundry. H.W.B TernpJ garage, lst-claa condition. Includes floor tverings, blinds. private horn.

Ring BX4607; after 6 Ol'NO Single W.A. man require BAY garage. Bus passes door to station. 30 Journey to city. Price 2600.

LINDSAY CRAIO. 165 DUADeUl St. ANTED. ELIZABETH na oeen lost. Nmirw la herebv anven that AIXY BUILT 12-YEAR-OLD BRICK BUNOALOW.

Two apac. lounge. condition, to vacate at tna Rent in adv. If req M2403, AIRFIELD: Most attract Its ftmiiuk In tr.uv. z4 POINT PIPER.

FURNISHED FLAT. 3 ladles, mother and daughter ar- Home, cloee rau. L. ASHLEY CO 266 Church Street PARRAMATTA. UW6824.

within twenty-one days from dee hi Board, private famllv. oooa reis. No 10842. Herald. moat exc.

eondiUon. Large, vaiuaoie. tv.i.nrf fnr fnur months. iw dah. etc'.

round laid out In gardens thera Is made to the enm "lOTTAGE or 'Flat 3750. 1 I Tom bngiana, im bedrooms. Rent to 14 14 per week. (n ta 14 ter week riainrt or renresentntion in rerv" block 130 260. Beautiful grove trees, hedge rosea, etc.

Ideal place retirement or lare family. For Quick Sal. and lawni. close station, price, inci. re-frlg 3100.


FJ2006 Original Certificate a rev Cer'ifl: i a rev cer'iflai. JHOT tl DHOLm CIIIRCH POINT (Metropolitan) RICHARD STANTON AND BON PTY 133 Pitt Street. BW1J58. COTTAGE wanted to rent by Latvian busines family, pay up to 3 iO; will be iwued In place ace Dated th em day BWUP63. REVEPBY: ULTRA-MODERN BRICK BROWN and OOUJIE.OT1BM, Fairfield.


WILL PAY TO 3500. 'Phone. Write, or Call. WILLMORE and RANDELL. lie Canlcrcagh Street.

BW44H, to 3 3. handy city. 8747. Herald Y'OCNO Budlness Couple, nn children, self-contained Flat, any aub- thnf'. 1 of Tbrur B.

R. HK-OTSa. 1 VcrrsjyJ DISSOLmON 01? DISSOLmON and FIBRO HOME. To i- sttMTri. 'Phcne TAC.

WORMANHURST-WAH-ROONGA. 1ft mm. Flbro tile roof, built 4 yrs. Modern. 4-b lounge, sep.

dtn. a.o., kit-, etc. Fully furnished throughout For urgent Sale, Barcain. 2700. Terms.

JAMES W. TAYLOR, Agent. Turramurra. JW2953. kit aunroom.

mod. CHURCH POINT: Deep-water Frontage Furn. Cottage, acrocn. 6. Avail, until Easter.

J. T. STAPLETON PTY. Mona Vale. XW9390.

XW904S. Open daily. Inc. Saturday and Sunday. lease, preiOTu.7 A2(r5 TW'w MeVTid require "S.SLJ!Sth Regd.

Office-Federal Road, Indrv if. Pouahed floor Grounds 43 130 feet, laid out In garden. PoM HOUSE or rial. s. buo.

VOONO c. cnna. Scoot. FJ36S2. 3 to 7 p.m.

Iuri.hed Flat, Flatette. or Room. tVTOTICE OF run. mm. pu.

rnce inci. emrper. linn, curtains, and blinds. 2350. Ken 1 r.o oojrct.

1 It con. tin 50 300 Bgm. Wlllmor "a fflVll ilo C.3Utrh St. BWM11 JOOD 6IZF3J Block, tuition. It cutleeru.


Keen i um Herald. IMMED. VAC. FOSH. adult.

Y'OUiNU neap. Room, ronv. Urgent. tji nfi7t MrLauehln. XTEWPORT 5 mln.

1 2300. 19 8MVlm Ave. XWP344 NEWPORT. Bunrw Beel. beautiful Block, extending from main red to tMch.

SO 4S0. BarfUn pric 595. No. 877K Herald. NORTH SIDE.

TLATH. FOUR C. Let 25 each. 28M FOUR. 25.

22,6. 32.6. 25 6. 3375 DUPLEX, new. 1 Vac.

Sell or exch Cott. DUPLEX, new, 1 Vac. Sell S2-iO. DUPLEX, new. 2.

Vac. Sell 8200. CITY and INLAND ESTATES. Wlngello Bouse. Angel Place.

TTORTHMEAD. VAC. POPS. Delightfully planned Fibre Bungalow. All Incl.

H.W S. Exc. hdy. k.i Mm aall-tn-waJl Pel tea. blind.

Prompt Cwh Sale Effected at KATOOMRA (Blue Mountains, AT Echo Mod. Furn. Flat Rat H.W., relrlg. 'Ph. Kat.


given that the Partnership he-f'ora sutwistlng berween the nndertras EVELINE MARY DAVIDSON and CHKIsW TINE AG NFS SIMMS cwrriing mi fwet nee as Drapers at S3 The Crwceau Homebush West, under the "Davidson ft Simmtv" ha ber Dta i.irF. ASHPIELD- SUBSTANTIALLY BUILT VOUNO Married Couple reqiilre Furn. or Unfum. Flat. L.

Tieniey, 24 RAHVUXE: New Ttbro. TU. 7 AVER LEY. Double-fronLedf" Brick Bungalow, 3 bedrotwrus. lounge, break last -room, kitchen-laundry, land 50 150.

2500. V.P. If tenancy of flat or semi. Eastern Suburb. provided.

10853. Herald. BRICK HOME. ONLY 2 MIN. STA Absolutely No Charge to Seller.

Emcient Sale Service draM and 90 Pitt Street. Llnthorpe Street, Newtown, XURNISHED FLATS. Belvedere. Echo WANTED, by M.C., furn. or unfurn.

Re 8 or um of otmvs. Rafs. avail. No. 10872.

Herald, iwr ANTED by Woman. cnooJ cnii-vVdren eartv 1951 arnall Houw or rVt vie' EaAtVrn Subs. 13S80. Herald WANTED urg "nTCotl'A TION. Three bedrooms, munge.

enclosed back verandah, etc. Price Incl. floor coverings. Sir. ma llMliu Jf I'' BW6434.

BL3246. Eeruns. FX4370. House, fur- 1 i'4 quire Flat. Flatetu solved by mutual consent ai ihirt.

first dav of Jsniiarv. annas, 'nnone. sausi. seen lo oe ap niched or unfumlihed. ln room, suaclous lounge, every modern cun- Truck.

Woriuiop. yuu. ARTHUR ROBINSON. tm7741, preciated. Only 3100.

IMMED. VAO., vnr deacriDtiv folder ring For descriptive folder Zing, -enicnre. debts due to and owing the if A LARGE NUMBER OF RECENTLY npivm IMMIGRANTS ARE UR ruba. MASHW5.

34o cnurcn otw. VFfiION. n-firffl Hntise or 2 bed rooms, and enclosed verandah. trirlaUnM Aanea h0 will OLQDK 0UlLlnu rli curtains Inel. Prtoa 3650.

Flnanoe APARTMENTS, BOARD AND Kr.M- Flat, willing to pay rent lxora 4 ertt. 'Kat. 'X. Box 34! GENTLY SEEKING HOMES through Our nn am. raah Rule Guaranteed.

Nicely Furnished Cement-rendered Brtek ORANVILLE: ULTRA-MODERN NEW Furn. Puis. Let. on 1000 Deposit. A and J.

FTTZSIMMONS. Pitt flttMi BWS252 BW3493. 2H50. Also new bnrk Cottage, at 37S0. ith garage and septic NORTH SHORE REAL ESTATE B06a PACIFIC HIGHWAY, OORDON.

XB3153. tlmie to Cra Oil me vr own name at the same place Sydney the 31st day of Januan. 195(1, M. DAVIDSON; A 8IMUSJ to 6 No Amall children. ffepuee to No.

8710. Herald. Cottage. 2 oeorooins. iuuc, BKICK.

W.B., or hdw. Send for list. Boper Box 15. WKATH KK UAH If JtUPiUAlJW. suae, lounee.

mod. tiiApection. Any suDuro. wuwoi PENFOLD'S AGENCY. Acrom.

for i- ingles. 2nd ft. 250a George St i Bed. Breakfast tntce) laundrv. Woollahra.

FB1R77. KtRHAJONO FIGHTS (Lewer Mtns.) PRICES GIVEN. wife no children, share House kit i. serrlce throuehout. Witness to both slfrsrurf good nanay dub ana nwrn.

porch, etc. Concrete dnve-ln. or Plat Dnubl Accommooauora, AUa-ambie ouest house: nrswiaa meals, bright, airy hot water. Built 11 years. Price Vi leuer only.

T. Devon port. Co 42 Ingram Bargain at 60 each. WUJmnre and BIJVCKSHAW. cient -o risiiMt MACANSH.


3850. vf Snacloua Brk. til roof. 3- fr; RMered Unrivalled Dosltlon. Road.

Wahroonga. or aum, GLOBE BUILDING CO. PTT. LTD, 17 Martin Place. BW4S7S.

BW39A3. BWP046, At any tune, LU3174, pjutlem Ptuburbo or North ore. Ring SON. Solicitors. Sydney.

loundaiicn lor garage. ruiusi-ED THROUGHOUT WITH MODERN FURNITURE Only 3 mine. bus. Bar b.r., Ige. d.

and. b'faat bth- MA1M2. Outing arranged. Book now. Write Manageress, or 'Ph.

Kurralong Height 14. RANVUXE. VAC. Pp8. SWANSFA MINER A' A gain.

2350. IMMED. VAC POSS. Randell. 11 Caauereagn Bt.

liwwi, ORANGE Beautiful Brick Bungalow, cont. 2 bedrooms, lounge, dining and maid's room, well-fitted kitchen and bathroom, spacious verandah, beautiful ground, unsurpassed view. V.P. 6000. BERNARD and CO.

Agents. ORANGE. rm. witn toilet, new ven. and fir.

Kate tov. It ta mitwiKt rn mmrwe ft! lit AIRY ROOM suit OT oua. ani. eon 24 Tintern Rd. Aehfleld FA1H72 AT OXFORD Prlvste Hotel, city.

Dbi. Room, country vis. MA3168 AT OOULD 8. 700 George St Select Rooms, daily, nightly. MAB164 AWATEA House.

70 Ersktne St: Select Room b. and c. wtr. Mod. BX2182 A LLEN'S.

Croydon: Malvern Private LAW SON (mate Meanteinoi U1AWE SUUitinii VIA i I Kill. BW4S76 VT nbro Bumalow. Full! Onlr 25on. Dep. 0 in excel, oond.

2 exc. close transport. of the abcrt-e firms snd after rvm irwtn anrt niher ar.d 'tie TS near Pool. shop. UJ4953.


of adminntmnon. io di'Tilvre 'he Bad ANTED lVMBDTATBLTt LEl'RA (Sloe Moantaliw) Minroom etc. INSFtXTT TO-DAY. iTtnA T. J.

FIT7.srMJ.IONS. Pitt Street. BW63o2. BWM9S. 7 Paddinoton a swops.

Coll. 1000. Bn-X 458. GPO. Syd.

Waj zMtnLta vao, ium rVttl Pl Reiuni J. Hotel, at atstton. UJ31MH). ance 01 tna ren.isa'ion imnniw ine rr.i bcra of the said All nercn to he men GOLFERS: At LINKS, Koomblri. Oood lood.

restful. 'Phone. Kat. 73. AN IMPORTANT NOTTCB.


2000. Quln. Auctioneer. BOARD and FIBRO HOME. ELEVATED POSITION.

OLORIOUS VrEWS. Two lounge, modern sun deck. etc. Close station. Large grounds.

100 150 ft. Incl. tennis court. 2100. IMMED.

VAO. POSS. A LLEN Hianmore: 1 CRLflTONB PARK: 3-bednn. Bndt NEW DE LUXB BRJE7K BUNGALOW M2806. of the said Aims or haie ftj.jaj J.

next Newington college, i MANLY (Metrepelttan) -YAT-to-iYYiV limn mum 7It uini. Double Tt Neutral av con te'rma. Wlllmore and Randell. Unique design oi Texture nriCK conig. 2 lovely Ige.

lounge and din- Ine rma amarl Vltftn h.W. aeTVlC A nnarri XR 1.101 ITULL BOARD. 7, 2 '50 to 20th. Adult. 3 10 wk.

oa. XU3652. 72 Bel- i BniTavii.t.K Aahfleld. IIA2847 WILL INSPECT IMMEDIATELY. ANY lie Castlereagh St.

BWtii. Lasaed-ln 24 34. de luxe tiled SUBURB. Will quick saie son AT BOND -laneum rnai Cloee transport, on surfing beach. grave St.

HUR6T'1ULE. Kew Flbro. pac. lounge, dta. rm-kir.

bathmv nwojoait SPOT CASH. BEST PRICES Uivew. A ATI ON 9 AND ADVICE PREB. .11 fNnni CONCORD WEST: ULTRA-MODERN Home, near station, wewwrad, good lawn and garden. 3500.

Canterbury-Ban kstown RE. A. 7JL2037. snv interest therein are rrr forward detail of sicfa Bt 1 February, to HENRY. Receiver snd V0 HENHY nd McSPrJDErl.

p.blic 195 EliMbeth Street, Sydney. VTATTrp ta tihuhv riven tht tt Manly, ideal nonaar ni. vkrw beach, vacant now. XU1423. MF.LBOL'SNE FACED BRICK.

HOM, l0 Deoxooms, a 1 MAnSIU.i nuvoi. rnr, num. KOKLES. L.R LU311B. Ormonde You will receive prompt snd couneou service by experienced Real Estate Salesmen, who will manage your affairs A EUiabeth St.

Sydney. MA6923. Bed. fast, from 6 6. Write for reservations.

Roman shower Teoes. laundry! with shower recess. Flrst-clas equip-, ment throughout. Only '3350. Liberal finance arranged.

Also included new wall-to-wall body carpets, window- furnishings, and electric light nUlngs-t An InspetUon wOI convince. R. T. OOLBY. CO KOGARAH.

LW1363 Parade. BURSTVILLE. TTOXEB-BEDfaOOM COMFORT ABLB FURNTSRED BOMB for Three Six Months' Period. A Business Mao rerurnlng front Amertoa. Fhono Ida Dawson og Btersha, ancLLOoas aust.) fty.

MU2441. to 175 for QUICK SALE. WiUmore and lounge, moaern uieo h.w. service throughout. verandah, large sunrm, Large ground, laid out In gardens and lawn.

Only 4 mm. shop, eto. All services connected. Mtiat hr sMi be atiin-eclated. 3600.

ACCOM. Auwu. rut jumi menu. coniult'N. C.

HARRIS, at TJABERFIELD. Brick on ston. 3 beds. IN the of 'lie SOITHBJ CARLYON'S HOIEIa, Spenoer St. Melbourne.

Accommodation. Bed and Breakfafi. 9 Full fluard. 19 Write for further information. CHEVRON PRIVATE MEL-BOURNE--uiisurpa(tfted In Australia.

RwiriKim with bath or bttthroom Ranaeii 1 10 u-asiierewrn jjtt-. a itrKurrn Mmmr River Exel. Site Aston. 30 Pill St. NO pnone iniortn.

11 a.m.m., nmm. Qiacreeiu. CONSULT US FIRST. OLOBB BUILDING CO. PTY.

LDdlTED, 17 Martin Place. BW4876. BW9940, BW39S8, At any time. LU3174. CROSS ASSURANCE COMPANY LTD.

im in an montil 5 time. -er EADY-CUT TITAUKB ana UflK-AGES. From 75 to' 1350. No including Venetian blinds, electric At- 66 189. level, good reduced fr.

200 to 130 for quick eate. Will-more and Readell. 11 reagb Street. BW4411. PnlirlH in llel! Of Polines Increase In price despite timber use 21 6.

8 p.m. 6S A ber-exonihie St. ALLEN'S, 17 Nelson St. Woollahra: Single and Double Reservation now UngS, IMMf-L. vau, ruaa.

LORE BUILDINO CO. PTT. LTD. adjoining. T'nnis Court, 519 St.

Kitda 2123 QVhDirrnMV. PARK- Immia. P. Air conditioned across, joa vic-Road Panama! t-s. PW7508.

MeVb. Telegrams: Chevmn. Melb. which hare been eeriared to nste a 3 drivel 9ria XLDouble-ftd. Mod.

Brisk 3 beds BLAKEHURST: ULTRA-MOD. FACED PUHfiH IS for Truck, handy city. tv. LA118X. JARRAMATTA DIST.1 Mew Fib.

Home. J. VARKll STATIONS. FARMS, AND STOCK encl. verandah, etc.

Oarage, infi. r-iirtalnj Only 2795 BRICK HOME, two bedroonu. uunge.i din -rm tiled two BICK or Flbro, any 2150 to A mm heerh handv ferry. Family NARRABEEN MetrapoUtaa) HOL. Flat.

Accom. 3. vacant 11 2'50, Ixtng or short terms. XW7110. PORT MACQUARIB (North Ceaat) ACRES.

68. Long Neck Oattai. Wra4- a.aaoe oaan. principals orur. VALUE.

Must be old. Cloe offer may BYDNEY. 7th T.T.R 8. IDEAL SPRING Nntire ia heiehv ffen hs' if and Double Room, visitor. 4V wnisuer verandan.

garage, etc. tam irouno, sor. vim anscs, jnsnn, nrnno no. ma to, nereia. Trrn.nrM4t Blacks Flbro and Brick Tm ocnsiaeira.

v- Colo Vaa. via MUtaW street. Niamy, aumii. A ORES, laid out in gardens, lawns. at noor.

Ftlt.I.V mnNIRHTT) wltA mod. FURNI grg. 3 Acs. Land, sheds, arcora, 500 fowl. TO citrns.

Bus dpnr. shops hsndy, 2250. ARTHUR ROBINSON. 346 Cbureh Strest. Farra-matts.

UWB536. TJW7751. X'OtJNO Con pie and dhlld mj. Unfurn, mr -r mmhr nt the abnve rrfrm A C7HOfUlAlA: Afcom. inr or Xi Ryde to Rnrnsby.

req. urgent Treaty a. "4J. ww aou. 1LJ OTSTVlLljl: Splendid Brli and Til will be clneed again tTn'ferfii I A Hoiub or Pia.

gacr-aJiy, TURE THROUOHOUT. Incl. wall-to-wall nwir irteal farms, rrha.rti or hnrileul- jjcvbi, perscrB. Wlin use oi 'n-nn uivu. LMM77.

24th to 27th February, iw, I SYDNEY HOTELS cmtage. nir garaen. "it un iM is vra. old. 3 bed kit.

sot-water, FA7670. ture' WILLMORE and JRaInDELL. lie Castlereagh St. BW4A1L. tirrnDiTt.

mom. SURTNE.VI and jsaiwooar wlj. BONDT. BELI.V. BTLL.

ROSB BAY. 1.4 hrir Hnmea anted umntlT, 1st elusive. Rv Order 'he Bosrtl 'iia 1 a ft i inrm ateeo-nut. carpeu. Venetian Minna.



He. ThU.u really W. A. OARTWRIOPT. Seerenre.

AMAiuvsi uaivucji gti muHi, 20OO. within 10 miks matU. a v-nrr MAMTrPTJI B.A.. L.R E.A. tat a rami Vintorx children welcome.

GRJBEN AND OO. BOND I JUNCTION, flth JK an nariinhnrt Road Klni Cross. 1 nA ttrVfaii a a 1 nil tVACTORY WANTED, otty or ClOB. a Bronto Koaa. rwaof.

a lovely home. Prte. C410O. P. OOLBY and LW13S3.

"OOARAH H3LLS and WM3024. EPP1NO T. BRASCH MACAKmiK 1 hmi tv- turn TO LEX. ROOMS WITH CONVENIENCES MODERN BRICK HOME. 9 bedroom, lounge, nlo tiled bath HOME, contairung 1 omarrxxum, jDuntm-dlning, tiled kitchen, tiled batrixonm.

Oarage. Polish4 Ullowwood floor. All-electric H.W. service throughout. A S.

Htrl Jj iMl'LltlAii, Ainu war idi run iuiuai oaus. ARTHUR ROBIN SON. Man Who Sella The Bartft, MB Church Streoi. Jl Sydney scale Baxvxcpajwo. XV CROSS.

Ideal location, com. cuisine. HOTEL IMPERIAL, K1NU rmcmA: Ideal location, com. eulMne. room, h.w.

sen-ice througnout, launary, Mr MtriMW ftnlt 8 min etn We have client waiting nr Plhro Homaa. Contact conv. city centres and theatres. Room Transfer Journal of rhe above Corja will be closed for 'he irsnfer nj S-si between 5 m. on the 22nd AttractW V.P.

Home, DREAM HOME FOR ONLY 22SO. TBI, TJUCTORT BPAOm, pref. Parramatta UW7T31. PARRAMATTA TJWS53S conv. city orntres and thestrea.

Room MYER AND SON. immediately. 8LLM1. Bus at door. Beautiful garden and lawns, iPckgCtM.

3650. IMMED. VAO. ano ias. oiou.

niw, muue. IABTLB HJLU: 1 acre goocu aou. jaewi for flowers, 257 OABTLERKAQH STREET and isai, moo. rates. rnoiw, rniiwi TERRIOAL (Central Coast) TJRRAWY BA Accom.

130. on beach. IflSO. and 8 p.m. on tn isi Rd area, handy Lewlgham to any, SI about 12.000 so.

ft. URGENT. O. OHRYSTAI 34 Hunter St. BL271T.

hail is House, Martin riace. bath feed shed. OaxaBM. noultry AT Ml at) ALWi fie. ivjcjj.

York Street, city. Select. BX1173. I960. eyrA'r at the Board nOTTAOE.

near beach or inner suburb, i in 9(Vm eaab tUns- RL13S4. T.F.. Lovely rV Tennis, dancing every night. Liquor shed. 850ft Skinner ipray.

V.P. 25O0. COATES and Castle RBL TJWa416. B'FAST, 27,0. 3 superior, hinetv rh RrtdM Rd.

Glebe. Rome, oat magnificent FAIR LIE. SecretArr a roTB ii itv ifmiir Par.v. Lte Lie. J.

K. ara if. v. aiinovn. 1ASH buyer for a P.

Horn to ekrv. cnr. 115 154. 4 Ige. b.r..

WTaTW KHALAND National Organisation. 4000. Spot Cash. M3515. TsONDI.

'Avoca Ouest House: Double A State Electoral Cc Nad illo distkiox: aero, main ra. Catus 4 lounre. kit. Iw mnunurlnr meratlona ln Svdney. spae.

Ing. and din. 'Phone. Terrigwl 4. OTHER HOLIDAY RESORTS T.ITHN .1 10 Boat.

2: OoS- Bed snd fast. FW2S2S. POSS GLOBB CO. PTT. LTD.

BW4676. RUR8TVTLLE: ULTRA-MODERN TEXTURE BRICK HOME, two bedroom, lounge, dining-room, tiled gunroom, etc. Excellent position. Must be seen to be appreciated. 3400.


LTD. BW4S76. tlons lor pre-selet: ion BIo tor I iOTTAGES. suouroa. Buyers waiunsr.

Vj Don't want vacant posses ton. R. W. i-Mruiraa a. minimum of 1000 sou are feet XX not ne.

but comfortable and in perfect condition. 2 2 eu. severed. 3 mlns. nation.

2730. SL. ALLEN. 423 Forest Rd. BEZLEY.

'Pbona, LX1687. HOUSE, divided into two Self-con-tatned FLala. with Vae. Poaan. of 1-bedroom Flat.

Other Fkat let at 39 week. Separate entrance. Situated at Kirrlbllll. close wharf and train. Oldtr-lapa Property, recently renovated.

FULL PRICE 2200. ARTHUR ABRAHAMS PTY. 204 Pacific Highway. Crow' Ban. 3CF1091.

XA2104. Septic tank. E.L. City atari Now used as stud. 12 paddocks.

Price :7000. BED BTeakfaiit. near Bondl Junes. Visitors, handy beach. FW5312.

in city area. Prepared to consider any OARAOB. toUU. Lea. vers, encircling house.

Btfl. lawn and garden, ideal rlTZ ATR I UK 1UO Pl Oitaao. VrTTAfiK raoOO to 7000 cash. lord. 'Fh.

4:18. Murraj'. Terrtgal Rd 1" ANLY Tramore, 84 Da ley Roao. pool StaU eai close at Tut Sday, February 14 Dickson. General Be'-irninf a i Rmh Trades Hall.

proposition. VODisn ear. vewie, rnwa, wisLMAn iLnnr; iuu acifi, uaia, waterfront ace. Cottage, bed. Dairy NDI: Bed BreaKiaAt, snare nioa buainess rirl.

38 6. FY 11 02. hr Petersham to Strathfleld FA6771. for private nOSpliai OT WW1 naraniw. HVK) a.

McAdam. 40 Albert Road. a.t -a nr. oeacn. a.

j. wk. vfavpobt BEACH: Furn. Holiday Flat balls. Price 2500.

McLean. HO 8. H. Bank. OFUCtS.

HALLS, STUDIOS TO LET BED. Breakfast, Share and Single Room. 71 Edith St. L'hardt St 1 at hOold MH7u, ll and Cott. Bookings now.

YOUNO. 19 PENRITH: ULTRA -MODERN FIBRO lNULCBUttn: 11V acrw. -iaui tlon. imall Cottage, city water, el. Anu rtAnit.i; YtTARNINO.

Residen' of the MAT! Sea view Ave. xwa-i4 DOSE BAY North. Luxury Semi. XV V.P. 'Phone.

1098. Herald. Suitable subdlvUlon, market; garden. FACTORIES. BUSINESS PREMIBES, Urg GAT.

190 MarrlckYllle Rd. LM4993 CASH 2000 to 4000 for V.F. Cottage, immediate settlement. OAY, 190 Msrrickvllle Road. LM4B93.

COTTAGE wanted, by young Married Couple: desperate; have 1800 rash. Ring FA 3 74ft. COOPER'S GRAND PKlVAITi BUlLb Tariff per week. Phxn Ml Victoria 233. MOLLA District wsnwc i o.rUrm -all aKe ST HOSPITALS.

Rk-ST HOMES SHOPS TO LET and Wanted to Price 3250. ALLEN F. MORGAN. 28 Martin Plao a r. rit Feh 10 IN narwoRT furnished Home (free to Kent.

Sea inaex. 7IK1U BUNUAIjUW, two jounne, am two verandahs, garage, eto. Large block of ground. 50 240 feet. Fowl hOUM.

Only 8 mm. station. Prte IncL floor coverings, curtain. Only 1550, IMMED. VAO.

PTlKfl LAL Eetats Comp. like enar omee, 1 1300 hrs. to 1530 hr and 14. IS 4 77 resell St. UA5016.

M3315. 1IVERPOOU UISl lUtTl I I good frontage to Hum Highway. a a dm tic nn uvn A SHERE. 595 Psclfle Highway. Kit.

for father and eon laged 14). T7RHTVILLBI Vae. Po, ft 3600 Plaoe: much legal work. 14296, Herald XV Lovely order. 3 b.r., offices, gar.

1 sfter 7.30 p.m.. 41 Duncan St. Arnrline. I ax tnicuju. hr.

E. LON'i. weB elevated. Northerly alepea. city water, electrie light, bus at door.

Oood Weatherboard Cottage and cwabnlldlngs. AN i raj fl li urriua. Ma male snd female. REGISTERED UNDER OR Eastern commsna mm. stn.

2850 j. hliu. 77 C'reagn St. M3B1S. Broadvay P.O.

nttronkUt HOSPITAL BENEFITS. Tl aired Attendant DAY and NIGHT. JX3308. ultabl lor Mixeo e-wroiinti rlrntnrrl at Crcmili en Jafl I OARTNnRAHi ULTRA-MODERN FLATS TO LET XI Ouuunding epportunliy In secure Brlok Residence, elevated position. 3 mlns elation, chops, etc.

3 and rear verandah, garag. Price IncL partly turn. Term. CLIFTON BROWN, srngatrov Road. Xtngegrorn, 1A71940.

Farming. CASH BUYER (Private), vant par-chase Modern Home. Summer Bill to St rath fl Id. 2 or 3 bed. 10574.

Herald. CHATSWOOD-CA8TLECRAO; Wanted urgently. Cottage, with V.P., to 5000. wtu aiso purchase furniture It FWirtrwd. STANLEY THOMPS0M.

St, lyivoriaxda. XF1CK11. Bus. t. bed FM1682.

sit 9 DOUBLE ROOMS with fast. 73 Holdsworth St. Woollahra TJOUR Busines Board Men only, Khars 2 10. FJ2170. FIBRO HOME.

Two apac, I Will VT. tMjO. CiOaW aum, iww atiii. brick Cottag. til roof.

1. d. nod, etc. Price 2900 1 vr arttron Rockdale. LZ1326.

quest fishermen on cm niinM din -rm laundry. ri a (mh fne Ttaehaliw PERSONAL AND MLSSINCFR I EN DS Lie. Bstato Agent. Lin block of around. Only Phone.

UB7B47. urpoot. fflJrSL. 7mi tavt. vis not EO.

ROSS PTE. AOCY. titCM.l TTtl Flat, BdgeellS to Double Bay. No. 18564.

Herald irjLL board, two ainare. 7 mln. station. Partly furnuhed, modern TDim rnior A Tut A in Nnu nr- Ctailrb- RMllIB flfl Ult1 P1IMU1W. 257 Rllev Street.

vn Divorce Expert Ann Annhr amsgatk: noro wu. tunow Itn araa Fleh anil SnlUdalrT. furniture czioo. ouibj. vao.

ivt -TXflHANOR aC'blllt. Unf. 1-b. 8 0. anntun Terms Mlsalne Vm.

anlnW Bua. poard. snare, oniy Fj Plat. 22, adults, for email 2 sheds, raises! deck WArrmot uiaisb suikuinu u. ri biu.

ntymi a e.r.. tU 1, bck. and Secrecy, honeaty. Est. 18 yrs.

Advice re A nrnill nn Me ife Bcxd Phone XB4489. 2 15 JL iTWrni BTLL. Waterfront. 81 Elizabeth St. nr.

King St. BW9520. KURSTVILLB: ATTRACTTVal BRICK aarasDg, eie, inin 12 eaeee, ex ret or. bsx cruiser, boat build, plant. awc.L 11 plant, 2X) navel caning CASH BUYERS WA1TDKM 1.


37 FlUtoy XviATg Double Bed-sitting Room available. and B. 'Phon. XB1914. Wj 8 inega.i.

having dene. Secrecy. Term. Oood Refs. plant.

Hill. furt erder Norther hr asoect. orerlt TXCHANGR. B.C. FLAT.

8 ate, YDB NORTB5 V.F.. w. swrrioe uirougnoui, large eto. Only 6 mln. tattoo.

Tmlet inside and out. Wall-to- UH owawine or wwo. 1 223 Olcnmor Roao, psddirrl Floor. 63 Eiiraoetp at. pjopcj.

pninm, the Lan Cove, A auptrb position. Ground laid out rn lawna. with st4kb- Alt 'phoDS. good order, glor. viewe, low L.

Flbro LOVELY UB own ftiove. yn. e. lOB Neville St. M'vlle, 7 pm.

MANLY. XU2423. At EVERSHAM. Twin-bedded CancellaMon. Pull B.

and From tn-dav nntll 17th Feb. withdrawn Irom from. LOST AND FOUND bathrm. H.W.S. Car ant.

Hdv tot. iu 4n tiii.x, nwioni ltaned shrub and tree. Oonta. Ree. Ing land with good W.B.

lt' of .5 wail carpet, Venetian oiuios, auriains, refrlg. Inel. In sale. Full Prtoa 3100. rent, at ux.

nmu, wr -nra, B.C. ROME or FLAT. With 'phone. East, Bub, or North Shore. 'Phone BL1461, FOR TMMFDTATE ATTBNTMST AND A QUICK SALE, from thl.

OAie. Lost. Mortdalo-1 wing oi u.w s. D. 4 OH, ana maio Atudv le.

ooen Terandah fj ANDWIOK: 3 lftnIlgaibw, hat. ewH 1 i Rockdaio. isx. aa.i. rooms, sieciric usuv aim oni house.

P. 3500 BERNARD and CO. Agents. ORIANOE 1 1RL refined Young Lady, share bath, Oaraew. Boat shed.

Bath. Owner going ijLAjom isu llaIVi nvr w. rn. tiiu, nW4R7ft XV 2 bed. lounge, airuog, us, SDK REAL ESTATE and BLDO.

MARRIED COUPLE, no Children, good accommodation provided wife House-keep, elderly Couple; excellent poaltlon BULLDOG, lost Edgeclltr. white wiin, bnndle patches. Reward. hot water, rasMgeraUon, MOOern riax, cioas 10 ciiy, a ihone. Refa.

seaentlai. 18570. Herald. VTLLAWOOD: MODERN FIBRO and nroaa, W.

HORWINO ft CO. PTT tlon. 36 Ige. quant, gdi ueorge cureei. BX4S21.

BX4822. BX441T. AFTER HOURS: FU833S. HUTCHEN. 134 O.le M.

HraJ BRICK HOMX. two bedroom, lounge. 1 ANLY. Furn. Holiday Plata, handy Ocean Beach.

XU52SI. din -rnv, tuea ding. Skinner plant, inu. etee. vpaunp.

deep perm, creek, ohotoe river aeOL gd. NORTH SYDNEY: fXwp and Flat. Rents A51 pa. Frio 7U00. ALLAN F.

MORGAN. 28 Martin Plao. i or suiiaot applicants. No, 18573. Herald.

"TRUTRAli BAT: Comf. 11 laund two bus. men. XY2561 If, 500: Plat and Shop. AGENTS.

Pleaw ktiown VCODERN. 2 Bedrooms. tc Holiday Bentt 1664 a. PERKINS ft OUBLE BAY. ROSB BAY.

VAU sunroam. i rum vwuiua. vau hw, station, bus at door. Large block ol ground. SO 160 ft.

For qulefc gal, ijiverpw, t. moo. r. noro-uie train. Ideal horse prop.

4000. fi Yaiiabio irom istn ran, fkNE BEDROOM In mum light ser- BROOCH. Tnistie, DCl. omr. Graoe Bldg.

Reward. UA1328. BAO. Brown Leather, cont. money, clothes.

Lost Thursday meaning vie. Central Railway. Rewawl. FW68S2. BUNCH OF KEYS Leet, Dmible Bay, Sat.

morn. Finder please ring MROOCH. email Bar. 3 St. and one IV BtAn.

between Klne St. Rftnd- CLUSE: 3-4 bedroom hom*o. PRICE TO 10.000. value. UW7751.

ARTHUR BOBUWN. H. water, etc. No. 10878.

Herald TJOSEVTLLB. BU Mf Sbedroom brick aW. imoocaj. vav, rwa, Hlrttt nrf A. W1M HUH.

1. H. BARRY and Rose Bay. FU6351 eonlr.otl In -M. nungauowa, win msu ui- ttmtn nna.rlv emmlete.

rvrjrvnjjr-criATHWOOD Modern Apply letter only. Mrs. Lalng, 207 Wood-villa Road. Mcrrrlands. AST B'RN SUBURBS.

WANTED, QL4JM mUUAJinfJ l-U, rvi, bllA I BW39G3 fl ABRAMATTA ATTRACT. WEATH AnlfiU. nomo unuaniut. r-. Waltlnr dat.

without XV FURNISHED Flat, available early In Semis, brisk, good F. f. J. McCowaa, Co INVESTMENT: Ber order. exceL posltl order.

exceL position. jl-a niocg or 4 or flaiv. PADDINOTON Single Room. Business sober. No.

9326. Herald. L. ROWLING, Auctioneer Prcwrty Rent 19 ERBOARD HOME. 3 bedrms.

lounge. Barry and Rose Bay. FU6351 via i5t hsij I Hehtji contracted In mv Meroh. Applications received now. gns.

PRUDENTIAL IR. P. Savage. Rosevllle. JA1801.

JA10R3. 4500. 5160. and 5000. Also old brick Cottage, at 3250.

and new two storey at 5500. and large BurigaJow at 9760 NORTH SHORE REAL ESTATE CO. BOAa FACTFIO HIGHWAY. GOR Safe at 3400. R.

A. PEARSON. 02 an. aS cnuron t. bathroom.

Indry front STANMOKE: b. ana gent, anarw, nr trartanort. 20 Peretval Rd. IIWK7S7: private, unw. wick and City.

No int. value. Great sentiment. 18375. Herald.

CHEQUE Bock Butt Hornsby-Ryd- Pacific Highway St. Leonard. Tinnarr. ABHFIELD. FLATS ASTWOOD or EPPING: 4-bedroomed out my written auuiw.T 'wtlann 38 NeWMl B'-.

AT. verandan. aouni garage. new elect store, sink heater, ete. Floor cov Small riA 1 1.

uieo. nooer person only. 'Phone MW2219. OPRINQFIELD INN. 23 Dsrllnghurst -tulraw ttT Modem Block 4 B.C.

Flat. RnU DON. XB3153. er Inge througnout. 2 acres of ground.

Kj Chatsaood. Reward Tn l.lOHTEIt. lnlt. N.L R.


Cash Buyer. ERVTOE Flat, famished. Har- A in Moore St. Olenbrook. fra no.

centre eving uross. ri" Moderate tariff. Hot water all rooms. Maid service Excellent hotel. ooux view, exonange tor nouaw.

351. Outgoing 74. 4750 J. A. SOMERVILLE.

AehfieM. UA3S41 fcnrwrv ent SHOPS Forest TU Lost Orac Bros. -Spit. MA40S4. Rew Cs YDfcNHAM.

Brick B.F. Cottago. NOT D- Hamilton Uiom scnooi ana ous. laraiiT nuira ioc poultry farm. 2100.


Unfurnlabed Flat. Eastern 5000. SE. Lost. 4 Dowia.

riAJ on A BUYER Cottages, anywhere. WeeAh-erlll. Thomas. Aahfleld, UAa83 Let 326 weekly. 1400.

T. nv ion Ukr villa Rd LM4003. Suburb. FA I 533 Ar.rth AT Denutone. between stratnneid-Rnooei.

sav. IIOR HOMES and COTTAGES Wanted to Rnt See ClasMfl cation: "To Let and Wanted to Rent." VIVEDOCK, Cash Buyer, modem Cot- Bexley. corner poaltlon, away from main shopping centre. 3 shop, 2 Jth rpO LET. Single Unfurn.

Room. 128 Liverpool Rd. Aahfleld. TO LET, Share Room. 629 Bourk Bt, Moore Park, Svdney.


Earlwood. LL1215. FTBRO HOME ELEVATED POSITION. dwelling. Rents 357.

Pno C4eno. tVARVtnoM R'daie LX1326 C1AP twneeif, Hfw riTra, Liverpool and Punchbowl. Phone, told, a Borlw vn uuJ A OENTS A Till. Rd. Marnraville.

a Sold, Jl URGENT buy eat. v.r. tmi ntu umL Oar ent. Close stn. 1575.

TURNER TATE and SuininaT H1U, J. F. BENTON' and 2 Johnston Bt, TATLOW, 88 Wycomb Road. Neut. Bay.

Exc. Bui. Board. XY1945. A M.C.

require Unfurn. FLAT. A MA6511, Mrs. Seaman, bus. hours.

AN M.C need Flat, unfurn. Rent In advance. MW2776 wetti sun. bAwo. i 1 TUMEDIATE Vacant Posiesaton.

Modern 1 rv attracuve Brick Bunrajow, A-niT niafb- tmW to ed LoM With 2 bedrms. and spacious lounge. Urge dining, de luxe battu-oom, beautiful kitrhen with modern built -in large cunroam. Garage. Nice A ENOLISn FAMILY.

DESPERATE AN NAN DA1.E ljMZ3e-LM40H. HOME WANTED by Country Family; will na. t20OO cash. JX4464 Fvmble. hot waur, near bug, attracUv

la Wltnr. 6 SO p.m., 2 2 "50. in taxi. Chip-pendal to st Philip Church, city. OTRATHPTELD NORTH.

Oood a Unfurn. Flat or Platott XX. Home, to 2500. FY3856. any nr.

A BLK. 4 NEW FLATS wanted. Cash D. POMEROY XV needed. 14292, Heraia.

1 OMRS. INVESTMENTS. garaen ana iiwni, irear siauon ana hope. Incl. blinds.

garpetJ. etc. First Brick 4 and kit. and aunrm. Os rase.

All IB food condition. 3100. Hew. 116 Abercrombt Bt. cnipponaaw A BUSINESS couple require ru i or XX Esstern Bubs, to 5000.

URO. Vau. s. arm nice none, a mm respectable gents. 2 TJL1812 VAC.

55 per week. 41 Frenchman Rd. Randwick. FX5607 VAC. share Room.

Moeman Bay. B. and bus. girl. XY251S VAC.

full BoardJ men only. Rlna after 9.30 a.m. Ash. Rew. D.nt St.

IWPlTal. "nrjw nEtEDIATS VAO. POSS. n. uuyer.

pnone swaio. A BUYER, Cottage, to 2 BOO. TJTg. Any Button. FA2745.

tntereeted person to tnrc win ony. XV FLATtrn bl urgenuv. tuieranrea. Term arr. W.

P. BEAHAN. BON, Martin Place. BWg791, CiAT lemaie. oiiunriiTa low, black and whit, named Tiger, escaped, Mascot, heading RoatvlU.

Rew. u.i ivhnM stnan r.t fi'irt Flsta to 13. nop. uiuiGrrr. Pibm Bunaalnww to 2500.

Amaring vaiue. oruv tw. r. aale HANSEL. lw.Tm A Road.

Bererly HiU. JOtTN RICHARDS, Builder, hat another luxury Brlok, Horn Just compieud at Brisk Homaa 12). to 8600. URGENT. A hom*o, Parramatta dlatrtct.

1S5S3V AHARKIKU crum. req. uovo. eon. If possible.

Urgent. F. Smith, TiOG Fox-terrier, Crordcm. Saturday, SANS BOUCI: V.P.. 8730 um Vthro 1 law.

liLA-t lit UUlbfinU OLOBB BUILDINO CO. PTY. 17 Martin PIam. BW4S70, BW30S3. BW904S.

Afta tuxira. I -US 17a. TJA7493. 230 Corunna Koao, petoranam, named "Bimbo." Reward, www, COTJFLB req. W'board.

Flbi or Brick, anywhere metr. Small Cottage to 2000 A. and F. J. FITZSIMMONS, ft Pitt Street.

BW62A2, BW34M, Night. UJ43Q2. REriN kxj Husineas iaqt i d. Ulux and bathrm. Oar, OATLEY.

kl Meet position 2 mini, from ctatloa. hopping centra. School. un-Town or third lounge, OQ. small, Diaca.

uoat, "ww FLAT OT FLATETTE. furn. or un- Wanted tered Wynyard train Friday. JW13-L1 "roENTS Pleaa. Uf IWjjf A Bunaroa Rd.

Oymea. M. "a Simfm- A 4 Slade Avenue. Lindne.4. Fully furo.

3 minute uwnsporv fi.nt Ploaae rlna- 113140. after 9 A.m. 2axi urgern. pnone, watioy. niffmr kiHr (WbU BW4801 All tvne AT FRNFOLD'S AOENOT TANO, gd.

Block, prat mine. sm. Banraln. Bernwra 324. Msro, Rityt 3 buid Pt, DOG.

waitara. young urriw. fawn and white. Rew. JW2378.

A TOUNO oompeiien vo uti tlkd bathroom and mow. reosa. mm, ii W4. ktt It Car anl. 35O0.

xv Accom. urgently required. buz7. A taga In St. Oeorg DUtrict, to Land, crwmoma, Byoney Harvour fnrntu.

ideal buildlne Mock. 44 oTfj iinrrFtn- mat and Tncnrna. 2600. Finance arranged on approg, on third SO10. ltT.

X. Male, rox Terrier ruppy, tone tail, seen Chatawood railway. Sun- Couage. Rent in advance, rjxuxs. i ttiavTsmi ptv m'daie.

i.xi iaek Large a-etorwy Home, divided Plata. Lgalow. any aii burr. JOHN BUILDER. Accom.

wia. ror scotcn one child; two month' time. 10854. Hid A BUS. Cple.

req. a D.B.B or Flatette. with own kitchen. M4974. A YOUNG British Migrant like Board with private family in suburbs.

TV Fum or Unfurn. FLAT. Excel TAND: MIRANDA, food poult Ion. Kar-j IU 1 150. Onlv 240.

1 F. IOT purcnaaer. vuitrra se nlshed at 373 pa. Cartamar. bhajwh ana niutvi LU444S.

P. close West Sub. Writ 90 Wattle Avenue, Dtaj. UOS. uitftiwuMi forefoot.

Reward. 93 Napoleon PHaa. Note: HfJ Mr. Olennon, 32 Cutmoerland Road, lent ref. Kindly 'phono Mrs Cunningham, BU5748, bus.

hrs; or 10832. Hid. ROSE BAY. Karptri. 3 Caallereagh St.

BW5071. aaiiiina, vng" Rd Punchbowl. Auburn. OOOD RESIDENTIAL STREET. .7 Hoeeoeir a Sold J.

WN'ROAN OTRATITFIELD, 4500, V.F. A model A k'ettes: 1d Board. A1n Rockwell's DOG. White Greyhound Biwn. registered.

Apply 419 Parramatta Rd. -a huh fmumi unman amn. no Hormby, urgently wanted for Client LEURA. vauani jeor)itjr, Attractive W.B. 4 bedroomi.

K. WILLIAMS. 14 Spring St. BU1750. IAKE MACQUARIE 20, exe, a nitta Im nr.

w' front bus. Will 33KCKPTIONALLY' WELL BUILT AND fee. Pen fold's Agency, 250a Oeorg Ft. nmtwrl nAmnm lawns, bedim Accom oeonre st. biaZmi.

A YOUNO Businessman urgently needs NORTrlEFlN fiLfiSV PENNANT HlliLS S.ui2i Bod- Brt Lelchhardt. LM42S3. Rewara. DOG. Whit Greyhound Puppf, Lot.

Finder pleas return 10 Lamb i A RnnlDlllui uiirniij iiuuw single noara, stanmoro vo enrain. MONEY. XDVANCESTT5 to 100. A or without ny-H 7 'mins stn. F.

LAMB, 50 Th Boule II.1NDRAY At CRAIO. 64.12 (3 line). more and RandeJl, lie C'reagh Street AN OLDER-TYPE HOME, West. BiD 4 or more bdrms. Oenuln buyer will CV Flat, nateti.

nan nous-, ittrn. KfUIOOP 183 Ell. St, Ord. Fir, DW44 1. vard topp.

O.L BtrathSeia. ujs-kii unfurnUhed. Matthews, 8 on cur Bt, reoulres accom m.r. FRENCH Ac SHAP- Road. Artarmon.

BARRING. Lost between City Dover Heighu. Diamond. 3-row. 24 dia.

Subatantlal reward. MX23O0. I AND, Purihcbrrwl. rar. school, enr.

a Rlnek- extra hleh. Price 245 or board. Must pBUtIEnfleld UJ2262; aft. hrs. WAB047 Land wantea.

casn. 10-aay. rniinpa. E.A.. Summer H1U.

UA7962 anyt. 8 SELF-CONTAINED FLATS. Hot Water and Refrigeration. IOW RENTALS, never ha ring bam varied itnce built 1036. AND OPEN FOR DETERMINATION.

Frerent Rentals IM4 a. PRICE. 14.000. VACANT POSS. Of 1 Flat Within months.

If reaulred. be handv to citv. Oood refs. BW4107. a PMtiirea Flat for himself and A lW rnit-a ia aniuitu ivt HOME or LAND, and Fin.

at QTJT7TERLAND. VACANT POSSESS. AND. LAND. Th canterbury-Banks town A 751 Punchbowl Rd.

Punchbowl. UL2037. 4 CASH jLOANfrrm brldt. Buslheu roupl. Protestant.

Reply Ikj hom*o Sites. Biibdivwono. HANDBAU. navy oiue. fc i St.

containing money and tl. Oood reward. 37 Ocean St. Bondl. K1 UOVeiy W.B.

SUM uutu nuiu. vuniwu- ine 2 irawlrooina. I lounge-dlnlng. kit. A.

Williams and Penshurit and Mortdale. LU1785. After LU217R. AND. 00 aio.

seamrui. view NO. 14, ACCOM deal red quiet bus gen Board or B. and B. prlv.

home. Nth. Shore tin pref. 6791. Herald.

ANY Accom. required for young cple. from N.Z. Ccckg. and laundry irtflflO.

Herald. hithrmn laundrv. etc. mln. train.

'Phon for Service. A. and F. J. FITZSIMMONS.

72 Pitt Street. BW6252. BW3408. PTY- 141-14J Vm.1I4 Middle Harrjotir, in, H. W.

HON NINO ft CO. PTT. 1 Martin Viae. RWftfMI OENUINE Bui Kit. uoiiaxe.

wtarrira-viile. Dulwlch Hill. Earlwood, or Land 68 I 220. ABSOLUTS GIFT, Further partleg. and inspection en 5 0'- A QUIET COUPLE (38) geek FlatetU or Room with own cooking conv.

rfvTBWLY arr. mlgr. needs Horn, IW any to 4Q00. 16507. Herald, ANB COVE Modern Duplex, each 2 A Tanu.

Counrtl aurroundlnr Dtstrtcta. 2 to 3 bedmoin. ABOUT 3000. LL11X10. any hour.

Husband working with wall-known wool plication to Managing Agent. KRTRAN PTY. ROSB BAY TtaVT HAT fllUT Land. 34 Ttnl A COOMMODATION wanted by tingl llMo. A.


Keys on rung, vie. Sts, Ooogee. Kew. 8. S743, Herald.

KEYS large bunch, Lost Chatswood area. Reward, JA3624. KEYS: Bunch of Keys. Uwr William Sirwot or in taxi. Reward.

WoU. tn. ta E-JB iMnl.hl, betwrt cmnmunlt. MovMtAl ma lounge, aining. erp, aiurnen, frig.

On other ie at 2 p.w. rVwv-riiinii tee ttorna and Inven'ment xv man. migrant, lngi room preferTed No. 8787, Herald. A nnmjrUAN Uantifaeturee eiwr tl Nr.

beach and lake. WUlmnre end ORTH SHORE: require vttnlly, AM IHMEPIA1 St aAiai ior ones, Flbro Home on Bank town Lin. OTRATHPIBLD NORTH I Fair Brie and 4 Deoroom oottsv. uc Bandell, lie Caatlereagli St. BWtan VP rood WB turn 5100 and A.

Philllpa. Neutral A require Superior Single Roran A permanent. Beat rderittaU. Adult. re fiint rm -arar sans.

With 13 BTIthl. (: 3000 to 8000. NORTH RHORR REAL BBTATB CO. rmiS, Duns jwmim. a apD tita, 1 let sa rent a eva raiaeil Ifau eotfinr Cottage, gnpd propaeauon.

Must rrr nu, IN. i or prep, nan avwaaiaes, oi setunty. Willi "purchased: or Imm. lnsp snd quick sale as' 1 red. R.

ROSE, 40 KNMORI ROAD, NEWTOWN. LA2142 vand Prrnole West. Sift frwitig. IS06a Fee. way, Oordon.

XB3163. to riven, MWDiiza. utd Ealtimee. Ite-OT; mujww 8 encl. fr.

and k'ette. mod. tiled bathrra Very moSQROVB. P. New I-b face- envelope adv.

rent, if unfum. ADVANCB RENT for 8 year or more. FX4684, day nlffht. NATHAN SAM1NS. .1 1 near, Ka street xl Atouro mis cpt, urgently req.

rteo-Bltt. Ronm. with conking oonvs. oi li good corner posit ton amemgst new hnmea only 360 Also two other blocks 01 153, ism locality. 3AO.

Strongly rfljaii JK- onca bji oiucb. vn WKB, en, eont. raoner. HacIW St. DMBER PLATE, YAJ35.

pay good price for P. hom*o on NorttT Shore. Ring JA39R0 fait, hours) good pos. pnee a a. -hi.

u. mcaobid, 40 Albert Road. Strathfleld. UM6720 Flatetta. 'Phon McDonald.

FA 11 04, Lost IvTsftRTIt HNORK.MANLT DISTRICT. 2050 L. NEILL 77 St. MA3f16. maommended.

bt a it let Thompson, Unndur bet. cnurDury uta jmiw or UJ2262. French ft sjuppers. nai argenuy, una. M70P0.

cash Buyers at both our Branch uamntly require Vacant Posses! on Homes or JuinUl ud ayiiwr. Knneid. iKtirlty. Lni Kit omam m. CM.

STRATHFIELD: Very rcod. cream Brick 2-torry. If- lounge- Mod. TTora. enr.

position, wit Ltd 17 Catiereagn A RUROFBAB FAMTLY Fay 1010 p.w. far S-bedroom Flat or Cottage. Nlo typo, well-to-do psopl. i.v mtat eavrw od noma. Would Ilk I rew at JWU vw m.

au.ww. snimewi IBM in fil Inn ASTON REAL BBTATB. St Leonerds xf 1 1 I AND: Row ten. 80 UAcquarte St. Far ramatta.


400; ERMINOTON, tlsa- INGLEBURN. 105: P'MATTA. dining natnrm aundeek rax. h.W.. BWautlful Homi sap.

toilet, elect. S. and ACOOMMODATTOW AOHfCT, We have Inter view ad 9 eh arm Ine RTVATB Dash Buyer want modem cane. North Shore Una, Neutral 9 Moanan, Balgowlah, 2 OT 2 bad-. etc.

No. 10573. Herald. PMni. Money liven at P.

Lawns, nrden. chotoe po. Oor- HArtLiTt Resngeration. VACANT POSSESSION. PRICK 7AOO geoug nomo ror lamny.

Anovoer xrunt Purse, duck, it, '-'J MotiJa. mom. Paeje rlnf FM1525. PIJWSX blx. red sttlno.

Mfl St, Owenlmow. Red FA21M. PURSX. of money. ntU nerr.

olt, M. or Hon. LWM1T. PUBSC Loit. Pitt St.

MondM, Hooet, Key. Boat Tlclel. BU103J. TlUR.sC LadW. In elly.

on notei And lottwr Ucket. Oood row. sensible Australian M. Busines Cples. desiring with eook conv.

No charge to you. 'Pn. BU2550. or consult permanent realdeno. but will contract for even one year.

Eastern Suburb or North Shore preferred. Kind It -phon 373; F-MATTA (Fse 750- RYDAL- w.r. Large select I on at Burweod from 2000. BV 3. HOOKER Pitt St.

BW8401 Mr.Hr.. 1 in; 1 1 inunonik, siw, t. 1 Tl, O. tlAKKlV AT A IONS, 9U Pitt V.P. UAitl.Ii SW.

Aftm, Durt-wa, ERIC SAMUELS. L.H.O.A., rAJiBr, SB Darllnghurst Road, King's Cross. A CASH BALI for your Rous or Bldg. Sit. any suburb.

MARTIN PLACE AO EN CI US. BWM78, 17 Martin Place. UHllfJI ILiX v.r.. clceo tram Nth. Sydney to THORNLEIOH.

4tW. Tand, Epping, 70 11 140. Nr. train a nitrntr hWkr TT UJ5087. CANS OUOIL V.F.

D.F Brick Cott, vove, a vAf. aui.mij, KINOSOROVB. 3230. Nn rment Rendered Brick Bun House, OARD req. Young Bus.

Man. LM2733, flUS. Couple req. Flat. ARNCLIFFE.

main rd. 40 128. fen. hiimbi rpftuirra aaiuib niti cnr. po.

3 b.r., L. and kit. nA tuna rAY envelop. Tjort, PTIiIat. AulfTi.

on unfurn. Lake, HA1728. bus. hours. key re, location.

2 mm. ststlon and A3 1 eTUTHKRLAND. V.F. WB, ftnd Flbro heps, fully built-up area, bf.wekku, 4 noes, st irana. a.m DRUMMOYNE rnr.

block. 42 138, fanrerf fl I water. 475 "ED. Block Land. Lan Cov SiErtT'Cw'ini.

re. I li Home. 1 CASH LOANS Aea able. -nUS. Man, wife, son, urg.

req. FLAT, li wth ikm aT R7M. Harald. A 4.3a p.m. train, LONO.

Apt. lltreet. Oulldiord im, hM.ent cen A VAC. FOBS. BOMB Wanted for Welting CASH Buyer, to 5000.

ft, O. HILL. 178 Pitt Bt. BU462. Alter hWa.

FMU37. Wf RadePO. W1.19M. Cott 2 land 11173. TrtrtftMIJEtaH.

W.B.. Til Roof COtt Attract, design. 3-b lounge ronm. din, tna room, kitchen, luxury baihnwm tUS. Onupla, no children, req Flatette WFSTMEAD.

Nr. station. 40 S3, lpttTO avtm. Brlok. Haberflald to 1 iral Cnnrbrd.

Buraood. Waterloo. VP 1., sun tango, Aer Dobroyd. V.F. Quick derUInn I rt.

3 Station St, AshBeld. UA144A Board. Mm or DBBR. Badrnan. MXL7A7.

nUS. woman wants Small Unfum. OHien rt.AT nerm. 6755. Herald.

Ltd i Caatlereub ehower ree ess Bnrk garage, rcn'ret pa'ha. outstanding value. BROWN and CO NARWrl I.U4448 rent. nn w. Tltor DTZAnrr IIKARLA.

etnlle tnni. JeMr'afl renabunt and UH OOM. a-an. land. nt.

wis. HABBRFDTLD, Patr SraU. V.O A Xram. Cash Buyer reqalre RVene fenced tt is. revfsby.

44 136. level and cleared ra.1. M.1M iNTED, lit Brighton. Land gg er- Cremorn. XM4442.

BUS. Olrl ft) desire Board. B. Room. 183S0.

Herald, TJUB. Otwplt urpenltv Twouiro Fist or rx. rn iMltv-BWtwnoa-iiton area, 13800. (Ula guar. 34 hours Mere, AND Bexley.

choice level lot sewer 850 Let at 20' acft, SOS. Dt'OOAN. A 304 tW Rd, IsArrlclrvLUC nXa80d B. DUOGAN. LB 204 tJvingslOM JJ rsMsmo.

sung avwosaaa avtaa, vtuv, iet, BJLYkt r.O. Brighsosv uwaitv. ss sun trg woexn. i rw. MimriTuii, asbwu.

Station Street. Ash field,.

The Sydney Morning Herald from Sydney, New South Wales, Australia (2024)
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Name: Aracelis Kilback

Birthday: 1994-11-22

Address: Apt. 895 30151 Green Plain, Lake Mariela, RI 98141

Phone: +5992291857476

Job: Legal Officer

Hobby: LARPing, role-playing games, Slacklining, Reading, Inline skating, Brazilian jiu-jitsu, Dance

Introduction: My name is Aracelis Kilback, I am a nice, gentle, agreeable, joyous, attractive, combative, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.